Big crowds are protesting in Europe. Watch out for controlled opposition, limited hangout types.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team broadcast a live session on YouTube today. It opened with Lawyer Viviane Fischer speaking in German and she showed immense protests in Europe. If you would like to see footage of them, they are to be seen at minute 19:06 of the video below.

It is also interesting that comments were coming in constantly during the Fuellmich live stream and they were all promptly removed.

I have seen supportive comments disappear from my channel right before my eyes, while harassing comments and flat earth nonsense stay up no problem.
While it is difficult to differentiate between sincere activists and controlled opposition “activists” (they are swarming the Fuellmich topic), sneaky little things like the swift removal of comments offer some kind of clue.
Basically the controlled opposition are there to destroy the integrity of a genuine movement by the use of agents pretending they are a part of the genuine movement and many of them really are fantastic actors and they are very adept at telling us what we want to hear and they feign to offer us things we might really want. These agents do make it difficult to trust anyone but we must develop an instinct for identifying phonies.
Controlled opposition is simply a principle tactic of the other side and we must face it head on. Controlled opposition will even tell you about controlled opposition. They do anything they can to “sound just like us”. They constantly morph to mimic us better. Once you can spot it, it’s very interesting to watch. They copy us. When we change, they change. I’ve been watching them do it for the last few years. I can’t name my suspects because I cannot risk a false accusation but I deeply encourage you to figure out how to spot phonies on your own.

I do put my controlled opposition suspects on this blog if they are saying something that proves the narrative I’ve been trying to prove. Even if it’s a suspected phony saying it, it doesn’t mean their evidence and reporting is false. The other side has access to specialized information and they’ll throw it out to us to dazzle us if they think we’ll follow them away from our real movement to their dead ends. This is called “limited hangout.” They’ll tell us something that incriminates their own side if it will build trust with us and if it will keep us from seeing something even bigger that they’re hiding.

Basically, we’re up against a big group of actors who will say and do anything to continue to hide the crime empire they are attempting to cover up. They benefit enormously from this crime empire and without it they would have to do actual real work. They would have to drop their illusions about their own superiority and power and they would have to face consequences for their rampant lying which is why they will do absolutely anything to protect their criminal racket.






