Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Prof. Dolores Cahill, Phd. explains how the vaccines being pushed on the public are extremely dangerous.

A bright side of the present global struggle is that many doctors and scientific experts are willing to share their expertise in order to warn the public about what we are up against. The video from which I transcribed text below had been heavily censored and it was a bit difficult to locate even though I was searching for exactly this type of content.

Prof. Dolores Cahill, Phd.

I made a summary of the information courageous Prof. Dolores Cahill is making available to us. Prof. Cahill has enormous controversy swirling around her. It is the challenge of my reader to weigh this woman’s evidence and credibility for oneself. There is no question that the truth is being censored at this time. There is no question that massive publicity operations are in effect to promote a certain agenda.

It is interesting to watch the nature of these publicity operations and to see how they react to each one of us who dare to challenge the system. The publicity agents react to all of us a bit differently and then there are commonalities in how we are all “being handled”.
Prof. Cahill is most definitely saying something very controversial. Is she a plant? Is she sincere?

To take this injection willingly is expressing alignment with the group which is performing widespread Orwellian censorship all over.

The publicists are defending and pushing an absurd position. They are saying in unison: “take this injection or else you’re a bad, stupid, dangerous person - a veritable disease spreading murderer - and you’ll be cast out of society and denied a living if you don’t comply with all of the new orders willingly. Obedience is the only new expression of the community spirit.”

We are supposed to have free speech. Honest, intelligent people have no fear of free speech. Why would a thinking person want to take an experimental “vaccine” from a group hiding data from us?

DECIDE on Prof. Cahill’s credibility FOR YOURSELF.

There are definitely phony “friends of the public” out there. A lot of this publicity war is about the public’s trust. If the other side doesn’t have it - and they don’t - then they don’t want anyone to have it.

Our side fights with evidence and often their side fights with name calling and censorship. Yes, they can bully us but that very bullying exposes their tactics and how this is not really about health - this is about getting as many people as possible injected with a mysterious experimental liquid.

Brilliant musician Eric Clapton corroborates that extreme adverse events are happening to him as a result of taking AstraZeneca injections.

The publicist offensive has also launched some phonies who mimic us all too well. No question about that. Even phonies can speak the truth and help us gain knowledge and evidence.

Viruses don’t hire armies of publicists. Extremely wealthy individuals hire armies of publicists. As the other side’s tactics continue to fail to regain the public’s lost trust, they are morphing quickly. It seems their recourse involves strategies of trying to mimic us even harder. They’re flooding our side. Keep your eyes on the publicists. That’s the front line of the offensive launched against the public.

The antidote to the subversion tactics being thrown at us will be knowledge and acquiring confidence in our own judgment. Basically we need to get smart now.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

The following is an incomplete transcription of an interview conducted between Dr. Reiner’s Fuellmich’s team and Prof. Dolores Cahill conducted around the beginning of 2021.
[The video opens up demonstrating severe shaking suffered by a victim after being administered one of the vaccines that the public is being pressured to take right now.]

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Is this usual? Could it have something to do with this, some even say it’s not a vaccination, it’s a genetic experiment. What do you think?

The link is here.

The link is here.

Prof. Dolores Cahill: It doesn’t really meet the criteria for a vaccine. I suppose there are three ways of adverse events. There is the adverse event which is like anaphylaxis in the first week. Then these vaccines shouldn’t be given in a second dose. I know they plan a lot of them for two vaccinations. But the real adverse events will happen, whatever the mRNA is in the vaccine, when the person comes across that virus. It could be in February, March 2021 or a year later. That would be when in the animal studies maybe 20%, 50% or all of the animals died. So I’m also saying that people over 80 who get these shots. Between the combinations of the first adverse events, which is about 2.5% in some vaccines 1 in 40 people have adverse events where they are not about to function or work or live life normally. The second vaccination could be 1 in 10. But for the over 80 years old, I think that about 80% of them, I would think that about 80% of them will have life limiting adverse events or die, when they come across the mRNA again.
For others, it’s hard to know, it could be half of the people who severely; What it does, this gene therapy or medical device is actually setting up an autoimmune disease, chronically. So it’s a bit like injecting people with peanuts, you know? You don’t know what it is and then you come across something and then you go into your adverse events.

The adverse events, you start this anaphylaxis first. The first week; Anaphylaxis allergic reaction, the second week; But the third when you come across whatever the mRNA is against. You have stimulated your immune system to have a low-grade autoimmune disease; Not immunity, but to yourself. Because the mRNA is expressing a viral protein. You make yourself a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). So the immune system is meant to push the viruses out or the bacteria but you actually see it in your body, in your cells.
The autoimmune disease is attacking yourself low grade. When you come across the virus, let’s say in February or March, that stimulates the immune system to get rid of the virus. But then it suddenly sees that you have viral proteins in your cells and in your organs. Your immune system attacks your own organs. You then after about a week go into organ failure because your immune system is killing your own organs. Those patients will present asepsis initially for another week or two and then one will die from organ failure. And this is why the elderly die, is that if you have 1 or 2 co-morbidities; The energy that the immune system requires to boost your immune system will make them very tired and exhausted and then they just don’t have the capacity if they have underlying conditions. Because this mRNA is in every cell of their body, it’s almost unstoppable because each time they destroy, let’s say the heart or the spleen or the lungs of the liver the mRNA is expressing the protein in every cell.
So just as a solution, what we urgently need is a repository of every one in a hundred or two hundred vials that are injected, especially into the elderly in care homes. They need to be stored in a bio-repository of the vaccine vials randomly so that when the people start to die we can actually see what is in this vaccine.

Or we should be doing it now so that; I am concerned, that maybe there are multiple mRNAs in this vaccine and not just something for Corona. We should be sequencing the mRNA because if it was influenza as well, or other viruses. Because if it was influenza as well or other viruses we would be priming these people to the natural viruses that are circulating.

So there needs to be urgently quality control, random, for doctors to be required to give 1 in a 100 to a repository and someone like me could forensically analyze what’s in these vaccine vials so that when the elderly start dying, we will know. We should be knowing now what’s in them. It’s absolutely a dangerous gene therapy.
It should not be given to the elderly. When they announced these trials, right, because there’s never been an mRNA vaccine license before September 2020 because of the deaths in the animal studies. So when they announced it in the EU that companies could do the mRNA studies on the 17th of July 2020, I thought that can’t be right because this is a treatment, this is a gene therapy, a gene modifying therapy, not a vaccine.

So when I looked at the EU regulations, indeed, on the 17th of July 2020, the EU relaxed all of the conditions for genetically modified regulations within the EU. Because the people on the trial and everybody injected are now legally a Genetically Modified Organism. And that is because the mRNA from the virus is in your body. We don’t know, it’s not yet known if that mRNA integrates into the genes, the chromosome, but it must to, it that mRNA integrates into the genes, the chromosome, but it must to, that’s why it causes so much death.
That’s why we need a bio-repository to see what the mRNA is, if they have integration-like sequences in this mRNA it will go into your chromosome. If they have integration-like sequences in this mRNA it will go into your chromosome. You will express it for the rest of your life. Potentially, it can go into your reproductive organs so that your children will be Genetically Modified Organisms. You express the viral protein and you are human. That is the definition of a GMO, you have the DNA/RNA from another organism.
Once you’re a genetically modified organism, which everyone who is vaccinated with this is now, not a person as such, in their world. Then you have to have to have a license to move, you know? You’re moving genetically modified organisms. And therefore on the 17th of July 2020, there was an announcement in the EU that they were relaxing all of the genetically modified restrictions.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: No we have have this very absurd situation that many people in this world including here in Germany and I know in California in particular who absolutely despise GMO food, let themselves become GMO people.

Prof. Dolores Cahill: It’s shocking. And of course we don’t know what it does because potentially it could get into your microbiome as well. And the other thing is; I’m not convinced that it’s just one mRNA gene. We don’t know what they’re doing. So it’s a bit like sequencing the PCR, we need to sequence what is the genetic material in those vials. Because I have heard whistleblowers but I haven’t got it verified. A number of sources have told me it might be multiple mRNAs so you could be primed against HIV. We know in Australia, there was a clinical trial cancelled because all of the participants were positive for HIV. So that’s why I have been saying that’s why we urgently need a bio-respository. Well, first I’m saying all of these mRNA vaccines, they should be stopped immediately because of the adverse events. Because this is forensic evidence for, you know, it there are other viruses causing deaths in the future that may be more than what we historically had. If it was Ebola, if it was HIV. It could be anything that they could be primed against. We need to track what’s been injected now. To determine whether there are other mRNAs in these vaccine vials as well as potentially the spike protein of SARS-Cov2.

Is Dolores Cahill a real hero?

Is Dolores Cahill a real hero?

Viviane Fischer: I would like to know because we get more and more reports about people testing positive for Corona after the vaccination. Like in nursing homes, where for a very long time no one has tested positive. So people are already saying it’s the vaccination team that brought Coronavirus into the house but I really doubt it, because it’s right there. Basically the next they test positive. Then we get more and more reports that they really fall ill. Which is really strange because they don’t have any corona symptoms in the sense of a cough or any respiratory disease symptoms but rather, for instance, they get very low on oxygen. As if the lungs were clogged or something like that. It’s very strange and it’s straight away, not after the normal process of maybe 2 weeks. The day before, they were playing the piano or whatever they were doing.

Prof. Dolores Cahill: We need to legally get access to these vials now. Someone like me could easily, there is a network of forensic labs, we are all connected. Some of them are in Italy and Switzerland, all around the world. We can analyze these vials now. I would be very concerned that there is something in these vials that is making people all over the world Corona-positive directly afterwards. Where if it was a virus, it would be around 11 days afterwards. And it would take you three or four days to have the symptoms. We have had reports that in the buffer for the PCR and some batches. They already have contaminants of SARS-Cov2 DNA in them. So even if you did the PCR, they would be positive in some batches, to increase the numbers, you know, false positives, but in the batches. So that’s why we are now trying to sequence the PCRs from a section of all positive samples and sequencing the buffers as well.
They are artificially making these numbers positive in some batches. I would also like to say it is a biological impossibility that SARS-Cov2 can be causing illness now in January 2021. That virus is gone. The world has developed immunity. The virus has mutated so much it doesn’t cause disease. It’s called endemic and that is not the causative agent. There was a study in October 2020, 15,000 PCRs were given and they were all Influenza A and B.

This was reported and not published. That’s why we want to sequence this as well. The positive sequence is legally evidence that people are being kept in their home. They are not being allowed to work or go to school; If the tests are not SARS-Cov-2 and it’s influenza, the doctors have to report them and treat them accordingly and the entire legislation for the whole lockdown is null and void because that is against the coronavirus. If it’s influenza virus, EBNA virus, rhinovirus, the doctors have to report it as the virus it is and treat the patients. Otherwise the doctors can be struck up and sued. The doctors should be sequencing the PCR Test. You were never just say a positive or a negative. If they want to do a diagnosis, they have to to sequence and whoever is manufacturing the test should be sequencing them. They’re selling something they’re saying is against SARS-Cov-2. They have a duty of care if they’re taking tax payers’ money in Germany or anywhere.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Was that a study in the US you were referring to with, what was it, 1500 or even more?

Prof. Dolores Cahill: 1500 sequences. It wasn’t published. It wasn’t published in the so-called peer review paper. But the professor sent the results to the CDC and everywhere. All of them were either influenza A or B. And they were reported as Corona positive tests. I think why there are maybe more deaths from the gene therapy is that the viral interference could work both ways. That is the elderly came across Corona viruses, which they do, the “vaccine” could cause viral interference. That’s why there are so many more people dying from the first “vaccination”.
The reason why there were so many deaths in Bergamo, as I said in May 2020, why were there so many deaths in Italy? Why were there not so many deaths between Wuhan and Italy? That was the question that should have been asked. And it was because usually the viral interference that sets up this autoimmune disease can be triggered by the natural virus and then made worse by the mRNA. Or you get the mRNA and then you’re made worse.

It’s called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). You enhance the illness and death. The enhancement is, you’re enhancing the adverse events. But you could have the Coronavirus and then the first does of the mRNA you’re enhancing the disease and then you have another dose which is ridiculous and then you see it again, right, you’ve 5 times been primed. But the other way could be that the elderly got the virus in 2020 and they are being enhanced. This is not why they’re positive, but why they’re getting sick by the mRNA. And then they have a second one, which they shouldn’t have which is going to cause them huge illness when they come across the virus again.
So we have a series of four time priming the immune system. Why so many people died in Bergamo is because they had gotten the flu vaccine with the dark tissue which had Coronavirus in October 2019, 185,000 doses. They also had the pneumococcus and meningitis, the elderly in that region. In December 2019. Then they got the Coronavirus. So they were primed. So there was the Greg G. Wolff paper that said that the kidney tissue in that influenza vaccine was causing viral interference.
He said that in a study of American soldiers, Greg G. Wolff. I mentioned it in my Del Bigtree interview in May 2020 and in the first interview. They were viral priming. That’s why so many healthy soldiers had such adverse events.
The vaccine industry, unfortunately, what they’re doing is, they’re setting people up for viral priming. So in Bergamo, they had 3 ones and that’s why there’s so many deaths. The second point I want to make is what’s required worldwide is an autopsy service, because in an autopsy, if you die from a viral infection you will have inflammation in your mouth, your throat and the top of your lungs, especially if you’re elderly. But if you have a death cause by viral interference from the Corona mRNA vaccine or from Coronaviruses in dark tissue in influenza vaccines all of the lungs will be equally inflamed because you have set up an autoimmune disease that then attacks the lungs all over. So then you will have inflammation. So you can distinguish viral interference from a natural Covid-19 viral death.

Is Professor Dolores Cahill a Cassandra?

Is Professor Dolores Cahill a Cassandra?

The second reason why we need the autopsies is that the elderly and people will die from the organ failure. An autopsy will distinguish between organ failure from the viral interference from the flu or the mRNA vaccine, from a natural viral infection. They are calling these deaths Covid-19, as if it’s from a virus and that’s why they are not doing autopsies because of what they are calling Covid-19, the symptoms in the autopsies would change. I would say maybe March, April 2020, you have genuine viral deaths, Then you’re talking, I don’t know, what they were calling Covid-19. Then you have potentially viral interference from the “vaccine”. And then you have next March, this year or 2022, you’ll have organ failure.
What’s needed to uncover all this is an autopsy service in the world so that independent pathologists can go and when the elderly start dying, they can do real autopsies and show that these elderly are dying by organ failure. That’s another way to provide evidence and to hold people responsible because if the doctors are writing Covid-19 where the patients are dying from organ failure. That is entirely wrong and unlawful and incorrect. And the last thing that I suppose is important is that you can treat this sepsis from the elderly and prevent them from dying from giving them high doses of vitamin C and intravenous vitamins C. Obviously you could have prevented the corona deaths back in January 2020 all over Germany, they could have had vitamin D, C, and zinc. They could have taken Hydroxochloroquine and zinc could have been made available and/or ivermectin and not one person need to die of Coronavirus. It’s an entirely preventable disease.

Why is she being censored? Who is censoring her?Why have agents been sent to vilify her and call her ugly names?

Why is she being censored?

Who is censoring her?

Why have agents been sent to vilify her and call her ugly names?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: But we have another problem which we just found out about. We had heard rumors about this but now we have clear and convincing evidence. It’s the same all over the world. There are a lot of financial incentives for doctors and medical institutions to simply fake death certificates. Instead of writing that the person died of a stroke or something. They are being paid extra money to write down that they died of Covid-19. And some of the undertakers who were interviewed by different camera teams. Even they told the investigators that they were offered money to change what was in the death certificates. To change it in one case from a traffic accident to Covid-19. Since May 2020, tens, almost hundred of families -

Prof. Dolores Cahill: - Since May 2020, tens almost hundreds of families, I asked them to contact me and with a group of about six people. We’ve been writing to the doctors and the coroners and we’ve been copying the letters to the head of police. And we have gotten the full deaths down from what the media were reporting. From 1,700 in Ireland to 92 deaths from Covid-19, between October 2019 and the 2nd of September 2020. The official figures, even though they are falsely reporting, by writing to the doctors and informing them and the coroners that if they misreport 1 death for a coroner, it’s a crime of five year and for the doctor it’s a crime. But why the doctors have changed the death certificates in Ireland not from Covid-19 is that an individual person under medical negligence can sue the doctor’s insurance because in many cases they were treating for terminal cancer and then put Covid-19 on the death certificate. That is like a medical negligence case, either way and the doctors can be sued, which we have done. There are more than 23 families that I’m involved with, mainly in Northern Ireland. Because the doctors are actually caught!
They were treating for terminal cancer or Alzheimer’s, not anything for a viral inference and put only Covid-19 on the death certificates, which for a doctor is a striking off offense. For medical negligence. If it was a virus, they should have treated it.

Why were they treating for terminal cancer? So we managed to get the death certificates down. In Ireland, you don’t have to go to the police, the same as the UK. It’s medical negligence, the family can go directly to the doctor.
We don’t want to be suing doctors but if they are doing unlawful misrepresentation, it’s a crime of five years in prison to falsify a death certificate for the doctors. It’s a medical negligence claim. We are suing them so that their insurance will then be higher and that they cannot actually be a doctor without insurance. So that the balance is now against them, making false certificates. We also reported them to the police. The police have to investigate false reporting of a death certificate and people have taken the PCR and shown they clearly had cancer. Some cases were never in the hospital, had no test. And only were Alzheimer’s elderly patients and they put Covid-19 down. So it’s very serious and, unfortunately, the real issue is whatever the agenda is, it’s undermining professions, right? Undermining doctors, coroners, the police. The state pathology. The reporting of death which for a society is very dangerous. If doctors get in the habit of false reporting deaths then you can cover up murder in society and deaths in the hospitals. 

Does Dolores Cahill have the sacred fire?

Does Dolores Cahill have the sacred fire?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s precisely what we’re talking about. That’s precisely what we’re talking about. What was the official number which you brought down to actual 92 Covid deaths?

Prof. Dolores Cahill: Around 1,700 at that time. It turns out this, well, because we started this in May. They brought down the number of deaths I think from January to the end of March, it was brought down to around 167. And then when we started our work, we brought that down to zero. So the first death in Ireland from Covid-19 was the 5th of April 2020. But the lockdown for us started the 12th of March but there was actually no increase in deaths.
Our Prime Minister at the time was a doctor. All of the numbers of people in hospital in intensive care units was known.
So there were zero deaths, no increase at all. So there was absolutely legally in Ireland no requirement to lockdown the country. Because you have the death figures every day. There was nobody dying from Covid-19. So that puts it into the beauty of constitutional law under our legal system; It’s called malfeasance, which you know better, from natural law, rule of law, constitutional law.
So a Prime Minister or a minister or a coroner, to which we have been writing, it’s a crime of malfeasance. Malfeasance in public office. If you do something that you know was incorrect. Individual people can sue the Prime Minister. Which I am now trying to organize for bringing in policy measures that they should’ve known were harmful. It’s a crime. We don’t require the courts or the police and I am launching that individual business owners can sue individual prime ministers. That’s why the doctors and the coroners changed the numbers because individuals can hold them to account personally without going to a court or a police.
Ireland and England are actually some of the places that can overturn lockdown and the crime of malfeasance as well even in 5 or 10 years time. Individual families that get wrong things. Our prime minister was a doctor. He didn’t make the treatments available. He personally can be sued by individual business holders or families for his whole life for the crime of malfeasance which is per case up to ten years in prison. As can all of the doctors in Ireland and England and all of the coroners, all of the pathologists. It’s a crime if it’s a suspicious death and the families have reported it with me if the coroner doesn’t do an autopsy, the state will know and investigate it. The police, each one of them individually under malfeasance, they can be charged by the families for malfeasance and you don’t have to go to court.

Is she congruent?Does her evidence check out?

Is she congruent?

Does her evidence check out?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I think it is very important and it is our position as well to go after the people who are responsible, personally! Not to go after the institutions but to go after the people. The last thing is that the doctors are making money from the PCR Test as well.

Prof. Dolores Cahill: The doctors are making money from the PCR Tests as well. Because they’re making money, therefore, they’re not just bystanders, you know? They are financially benefitting which is even worse than the misreporting of diagnosis.