Credit: Darkmoon
1. Repetition of the lie ad infinitum.
2. Maximum media exposure to the lie and minimum media exposure to the truth.
3. Implanting the suggestion that the truth is an elaborate lie by labeling it a "conspiracy theory".
4. At the same time, suggesting that the truth is obnoxious by calling it "hate speech". Truth telling allegedly leads to public disorder and the death of certain targeted individuals, and so the expression of unpopular truths must be classified as "terrorism".
5. The systematic fabrication of false conspiracy theories by paid agents, in order to create maximum obfuscation and bring the truth into disrepute by associating it with a plethora of discredited ideas and far-fetched, ludicrous lies. 6. Exposure of the truth to mockery and contempt.
7. Character assassination of truth tellers by a variety of underhand means, including misquoting them, telling lies about them, and digging up the dirt on them.
8. Organized outrage at any expression of the truth by a public figure, i.e., systematic intimidation.
9. Severe punishment for telling the truth.
10. The use of bribery and blackmail, the carrot and the stick, to reward the promoters of the lie and deter potential truth tellers from speaking out.