That’s the stuff of the book The Franklin Cover Up written by a lawyer and Senator from Nebraska who was named John DeCamp.
I’m posting excerpts below relating to accounts of devil worship activities involving the rape, murder and the physical consumption of children below to hopefully wake some people up about the type who have indeed captured the highest reaches of what was our society. This will only end when more people care to stop this.
After one such party, Loretta said, another girl called OPD and reported that she was raped and tried to press charges.... [O]ther girls covered up the rape for the men. Loretta indicated that she again threatened to tell about the activities and the men said they would kill her or her mother.... At [another] meeting Loretta indicated devil worshipping was practiced and that another small boy was sacrificed.
Loretta and the other girls were in the other room and she could hear the little boy screaming.... She then indicated the child was fried and eaten by the girls.
Loretta indicated she refused to take part in this so that the men beat her for two days. At additional meetings Loretta indicated the men told her and the
other girls that they must sacrifice for power and described three incidents where further sacrifices took place. The first a one-year old white female had her head taken off by a saw, the second a four-year old white male was hung on the wall and darts thrown at him and the third an Indian female, three or four years old, had several parts of her body cut off after which it was ground and poured on the girls and they also were made to drink the remains of the child....
If these connected individuals believe that murdering children gives them power, do you think that they’re just going to stop doing that on their own?
August 21, 1988. Loretta indicated the third, fourth and fifth sacrifices took place during the spring of 1985 when she was eleven and that the parties that were at these sacrifices were Mr. Finch, King Horses, and the big guy she referred to earlier.
Between the sacrifices she indicated that the girls were tested to see if they would keep quiet and how much control that the men had over them....
Loretta indicated that the men would try to scare the girls by having them watch as animals were mutilated and also the men would threaten them by saying that instead of killing them that they would just cut off parts of bodies and torture the girls and make them suffer. Asked to provide details relative to the first sacrifice of the infant girl, Loretta indicated that at first she didn't cry and after this the men cut the eyes out of the girl.
Loretta indicated that she freaked out, was screaming and hitting the walls.... [She said] the cult members were wearing what she described as clothes which had upside-down crosses on them and that the leader always wore a long black cape with gold rings shaped like a skeleton head.... Loretta... went into the Immanuel Hospital for the first time in November of 1985 and also was in Immanuel in January of 1986 and March of 1986.
Then her mother put her in the court system so that she could ultimately get her into Uta Halee, [a school and residence for troubled girls). .. To the expert eye of Foster Care Review Board Executive Director Carol Stitt, when she received the reports from Loretta's caseworkers, the girl's testimony appeared highly credible.
Stitt explained before the state Legislature's Executive Board, on December 19, 1988, “[O]ne of the things that you want to keep in mind, as horrifying as this review is, this girl is very concrete about who was present at these homicides, what was happening, dates, she gave a lot of specific information and in working with children one of the ways you know this is not a fantasy is the more details they give you."
The information given to hospital staff and to the Omaha police by Loretta Smith overlapped and corroborated what was already in the hands of authorities from the children from the Webb household, and from Margo Georgiu and her daughter. From three separate cases, involving pornography, child abuse, and ritual murder, children's testimony and other evidence converged on Larry King.
In July 1988, Omaha police officers in the Robbery and Sex Unit received an unexpected visit from their boss, Chief of Police Robert Wadman. According to the officers' own account, related by Nebraska Foster Care Review Board official Dennis Carlson in testimony to the Legislature's Executive Board, they took precautions to keep Wadman out of their work on Larry King.
Once you understand the group in charge, then the insanity and horror starts to at least make sense.
More corroboration can be found here.