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Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremburg Code

Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremburg Code

Nuremberg Code 1. Voluntary informed consent.2. Fruitful result for the good of the society.3. Prior experimentation on animals and prior knowledge of the problems.4. Avoidance of unnecessary physical or mental injury.5. Banning of known lethal or disabling procedures. 6. Degree of risks should exceed benefit.7. Proper preparation and proper facilities to prevent injury or death.8. Performance of experiments only by scientifically qualified persons.9. Participants may freely end the experimentation. 10. The experiments must stop if it proves too dangerous.

Nuremberg Code

1. Voluntary informed consent.

2. Fruitful result for the good of the society.

3. Prior experimentation on animals and prior knowledge of the problems.

4. Avoidance of unnecessary physical or mental injury.

5. Banning of known lethal or disabling procedures.

6. Degree of risks should exceed benefit.

7. Proper preparation and proper facilities to prevent injury or death.

8. Performance of experiments only by scientifically qualified persons.

9. Participants may freely end the experimentation.

10. The experiments must stop if it proves too dangerous.

Just going along with orders can result in disaster when there is any disruption whatsoever to the power structure propping up rampant organized abuse against humanity. That power structure is showing constant signs of fissure and vulnerability to mass public awareness right now.

Just going along with orders can result in disaster when there is any disruption whatsoever to the power structure propping up rampant organized abuse against humanity. That power structure is showing constant signs of fissure and vulnerability to mass public awareness right now.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction Isaac Newton

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Isaac Newton

KARMA The belief that one's behaviors and actions cause good or bad things to happen in one's life. Cosmic justice.


The belief that one's behaviors and actions cause good or bad things to happen in one's life.
Cosmic justice.