This is to show there really is a group who have hijacked authority who have devised an organized child abuse system.

This is beyond a shadow of a doubt the case and I’ve been proving this for years. It’s why I’ve been blacklisted when I used to get publicity for my philanthropic work. If someone stands up against organized child abuse, they get blacklisted. That’s your proof of the sort who have bought media and elements of our governments.

Social workers removed Nelly, whose full name was Cornelia M. Patterson Webb, from the Webb home and placed her with foster parents Ron and Kathleen Sorenson in Blair, Nebraska.

Soon after this move, she was interviewed at the Washington County Sheriff's Office by State Patrol Investigator Jane F. Tooley.

Tooley found out that the abuse was not limited to beatings. Tooley wrote in her report, dated January 30, 1986: She stated that she had been sexually abused.... Nelly stated that when she was approximately nine or ten years of age, that Jarrett Webb kissed her for a long time and that she pulled away because she couldn't breathe and it was nasty.

She stated that he was french kissing her and she stated that he was slobbering in her mouth.... Nelly stated again that when she was approximately nine or ten years old that on one occasion Jarrett Webb made her take a nap with him in his bed and she stated “he played with all my body parts"... he touched her vagina and that he put his finger inside her vagina.... Nelly stated that when she was 10 and 11 years old, at night time when every-one was in bed, Jarrett Webb called her into his room a couple of times.

When she didn't come into the room he then told her to come in or he would whip her.... She stated that Jarrett Webb pulled the sheet down and pulled her on top of him.... She stated that she could feel his hair against her leg and knew that he didn't have any underwear on.

When Nelly was 15, she told Tooley, Jarrett Webb punished her by ordering her to undress and lie on the bed, and then beating her with a rubber strap.

Next, he made her lie on her back, put her legs in the air, and “he pressed himself between her legs," and “started 'humping her'... He started beating her again with the strap.... He then started sucking on her breasts.... Nelly stated that she started crying and that Webb left."

When, in February of 1986, the Department of Social Services requested immediate and emergency removal of Kendra and Michael Webb from the Webb home, it listed eight separate concerns, among them:

1) Repeated allegations of physical abuse told to our Department by six children during separate interviews:

a) of being struck for long periods of time while naked, by various objects, including a belt, rubber hose, and the "railroad prop";

b) denial of meals in the home

3) Sexual abuse of Nelly by Jarrett (supported by a polygraph test given to Nelly 1-30-86)

4) The intense concern by the children out of the Webb home for the physical and emotional well-being of the children remaining in the home.... .. DSS memos show that the Webbs aggressively sought to terminate their status as adoptive parents of Nelly and Kimberly, starting immediately after Nelly's flight in November 1985.

Under DSS rules, this would cut short an investigation into the mistreatment of the girls.

Reversing an adoption was not a routine procedure. "Regarding a relinquishment [of adopted children], the Department does not accept one easily," noted one DSS social worker in her log of the Patterson Webb case.

The Webbs insisted on it. Social workers recorded that in January 1986, Barbara Webb "was crying and carrying on," inquired about "allegations" the girls were making, and wanted "to get relinquishment over with."

Negotiations on behalf of the Webbs were conducted by attorney Gary Randall, whose brother Casey Randall was in the orbit of Larry King's Franklin Credit Union; Nelly and Kimberly referred to Casey as "Larry's maid."

Gary Randall arranged the relinquishment with the help of the very official who would have handled a criminal prosecution of the Webbs for child abuse, had there been one at that time-Washington County prosecutor Patrick Tripp.