Anything on the White House YouTube channel will show massive amounts of downvotes.

I wonder why my stream goes down multiple times a day. Views on my stream will show 1 view when I have it playing on multiple screens in my house and yet no hidden hand is told to do anything about the huge show of unpopularity of the person we were told we elected as our leader?

It’s a mystery.

Also no comments?

Isn’t this supposed to be a democracy where a plurality of voices are welcomed? It’s not even worth creating a facsimile of a dialogue anymore?

I feel the truth is in the details but it’s hard to understand why this isn’t being covered up all that much. This must be a strategy. Maybe he’s a lightning rod to keep the heat off the ones who placed him in office.

A lightning rod or lightning conductor is a metal rod mounted Wire on a structure and intended to protect the structure from a lightning strike. The link is here.

A lightning rod or lightning conductor is a metal rod mounted Wire on a structure and intended to protect the structure from a lightning strike. The link is here.

It’s important to understand that we’re up against a group that plays lots and lots of games.

It’s important to understand that we’re up against a group that plays lots and lots of games.

Learning about narcissistic personality disorder is the key to understanding their mentality.Learn more here.

Learning about narcissistic personality disorder is the key to understanding their mentality.

Learn more here.

Signs and symptoms  People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are characterized by the personality traits of persistent grandiosity, an excessive need for admiration, and a personal disdain and lack of empathy for other people.As such, the person with NPD usually displays arrogance and a distorted sense of personal superiority, and seeks to establish abusive power and control over others. Self- confidence (a strong sense of self) is a personality trait different from the traits of NPD; thus, people with NPD typically value themselves over others, to the extent of openly disregarding the wishes and feelings of anyone else, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements. Socially, the person with NPD usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), intolerance of criticism, and a tendency to belittle other people, in order to validate their own superiority.

Signs and symptoms
People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are characterized by the personality traits of persistent grandiosity, an excessive need for admiration, and a personal disdain and lack of empathy for other people.

As such, the person with NPD usually displays arrogance and a distorted sense of personal superiority, and seeks to establish abusive power and control over others. Self- confidence (a strong sense of self) is a personality trait different from the traits of NPD; thus, people with NPD typically value themselves over others, to the extent of openly disregarding the wishes and feelings of anyone else, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements. Socially, the person with NPD usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), intolerance of criticism, and a tendency to belittle other people, in order to validate their own superiority.

9 Ways Many Narcissists Behave Like Cult Leaders How to recognize narcissists' manipulative and cult-like tactics. Individuals high in narcissism, like cult leaders, often inflate their own sense of importance and behave in ways that are destructive to others. • Similarities between narcissists and cult leaders include a tendency to lie and turn others against each other for their own ends, along with little tolerance for dissent.  The link is here.

9 Ways Many Narcissists Behave Like Cult Leaders

How to recognize narcissists' manipulative and cult-like tactics.

Individuals high in narcissism, like cult leaders, often inflate their own sense of importance and behave in ways that are destructive to others.

• Similarities between narcissists and cult leaders include a tendency to lie and turn others against each other for their own ends, along with little tolerance for dissent.

The link is here.