They used my anger over the child abuse they do to try and lure me into a dangerous event they were coordinating in order to hurt me.
When I saw through their tricks, they created the illusion I disappeared from the media and internet that they control with an iron fist.
While they push green everything on us, that we can’t have cars anymore, twice as many planes as last year are flying over my head to super ultra wealthy East Hampton.
Are they going to give up their private planes? Of course not.
They make up stories and pay all those publicists to torment us with them.
They buy all those puppets and throw them under the bus to give themselves a minute to go run and hide again.
That’s who everyone is so terrified of offending.
Please recognize their mind control and get free of it.
They are poisoning us in every way they can. Stop letting them.
This group is severely abusing all of us and it’s up to us to get them away from the levers of power. All of them can be blackmailed.
Their need for attention means that it’s very hard for them to hide the crimes they’ve been doing. The internet was to capture us but what it’s really doing is exposing them.
I can’t imagine why anyone, even their puppets, would want to live under a rule as tyrannical as theirs.
They destroy their puppets every chance they get.
If good people are abused and persecuted under this system, it can mean only one thing. This system is evil.
This is what I’ve been trying to PROVE since day one of this project.
"They Own The Media"
They tell us that ignorance is bliss
I guess by those that control the media, it is
They own the media, they control the stories we are told
If you ever try to go against them, you will be ignored
'Cause they control
They control
They control
They control the narrative, they perpetuate the myth
Keep on telling you lies, tell you ignorance is bliss
Believe it all and you'll never get, never get wise
To the truth, 'cause they control everything you do
Everything you do
Everything you do
Everything you do
They control the narrative, they perpetuate the myth
Keep on telling you lies, tell you ignorance is bliss
Believe it all and you'll never get the truth
Never get wise, wise to their lies
Through their lies
Through their lies
They control the media
They control the media
They control the media
I love being “official narrative” invisible because now they can’t ever talk about me.
Or else they’ll have to admit that they create false illusions together as a predatory group and they’ll never come out and admit that.