Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers and experts from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice.
Today, we are considering the testimony of Pastor John Mosepele. This testimony deals with how an “impure rising”can be checked through the mobilization of a core of experts who cannot be bribed and compromised.
To expose the origins of the not so hidden dictatorship attacking us, allow me to suggest listening to REAL HISTORY. To watch this man of faith speak, start the video at around 2:49:11
Pastor John Mosepele
Pastor John Mosepele: In our Constitutional Court, the advantage is it’s independent, because South Africa has 3 arms of state: judiciary, legislature and then the executive. The majority of the justices in the Constitutional Court are Christians. The Chief Justice is a Christian. If we take facts before them, we will get the verdict. They are not interested in WHO. They have made judgements against precedents of the country in the past. The law, the judgment that they had against President Zuma. So they are very independent and it will help, like you were saying, the case here. I understand what Werner is saying about Namibia being under the WHO. It is the same with some here. They are controlled by the government. Other countries in Africa economically depend on South Africa. So we win in South Africa, we win in all of them. It’s guaranteed. South Africa will be used as a precedent.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I agree with you. I would also like to acknowledge that in the background there is still His Greatness King Lemuel who is also listening in. We’ve spoken to each other and I absolutely believe that South Africa is far ahead of us. We’re going to concentrate all of our legal efforts on your country. We’ll put you in contact with all of the experts. We’ll send everything over to your country. So that you can go to the Supreme Court in your country. Because it has one of the very few independent courts.
Pastor John Mosepele: And also based on what Tom was saying earlier. You see in every country, there is an impure rising up to challenge what is going on. We are watchers and gatekeepers, King Lemuel, and Advocate Dexter, if we can link all of these organizations internationally. Some sort of a group, where there are doctors, where there are lawyers. And we just draw from the pool for a case, just draw from the pool for a case in this country, for a case in that country. Using local advocates, local lawyers but the influence, the support coming from the core. An international core. It can be used.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Yes. That is the idea. That is the idea.
Viviane Fischer: I think we are already there. We are already there. Because we have information. We have gathered the information throughout our months of all investigations and actually we have everything at hand. We have an international network of doctors. We have the international network of lawyers. I think it’s really just at the tip of our hands. To really just go ahead and put this. I don’t think we have to go into founding a new organization or anything. We are already there. We just have to get together and in a private zoom, connect every one. You have all the information.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: John, this is what we are going to do. She is right. We have everything in place. The most important thing right now. As I can see, you are very far ahead of the rest of the world. We need to get you all the information we have. We’re hard at work trying to build up a huge archive with the Corona Committee. We won’t wait for it to be finished. For this task to be finished. We will send everything over to you that we have. Plus the experts.
Pastor John Mosepele: Through the past month, all things have been coming together, like you are saying. Let’s throw in the knowledge that we have acquired. Let’s show the world, through South Africa, that this thing can be shaken.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I agree, absolutely.
Pastor John Mosepele: We don’t need any other organization. The core is there. Let’s go into action now in South Africa.
Viviane Fischer: I don’t think we need to have a formal organization to do that. We have a movement. A freedom movement. A democracy defending movement. That is all ready. All the activists are there. The lawyers are there. It’s just about exchanging a few emails. To get everyone into place for additional questions and just bringing it together and filing and I think that’s it. We don’t have to wait for a new organization, formal obligations and all that. I think we are already there. It’s just really take it and go.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We will spring into action, John. I think that is the most important part. The missing link, connecting with you. I think we’re through. It’s been a long day. I’m glad you’re with us John and King Lemuel, His Greatness is with us. I’m glad you are with us.
King Lemuel: Thank you so much. (King Lemuel’s son makes a sound) This is my son.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s the future, right there. Like I said I think we’re at the end of our session and I think this was very, very successful because it’s giving us a lot of hope and a great push forward. We’ll put you in touch with everything, including the experts.
Pastor John Mosepele: Let’s take them on! We are going to win. God is with us! God bless you.