Now my little book reading videos take almost days to upload to YouTube.

This is the new thing that’s been going on for around a week. I’m also being told transmission of my streams are becoming very erratic and they are out of focus a lot. I’m at a point where I just find it interesting to watch the strategies at work.

My views are also very low. I’m supposed to believe that after years of broadcasting books about Napoleon - the most famous historical character - still nearly no one is interested in the topic. Also when I type in Tanster Stream in the search bar on YouTube, it acts as if I wrote in “transfer” and all kinds of irrelevant fake looking entries come up. I discovered this after having my channel frozen so I couldn’t upload because I got 1 strike recently on a video I uploaded years ago of the “art students” who had walls of fuses at the World Trade Center right before those same 3 buildings just so happened to collapse into their own footprints.

A few hours later. . . .