Women that Enlighten the World – Africa and Asia

The digital book Women that Enlighten the World – Africa and Asia is a collection of texts and images that portray the lives of women in different cultures. This is an intercultural, literary project promoted by Rizoma Institute, which brought together 27 photographers and writers, professionals and amateurs, in 17 countries, seeking to highlight the challenges, advances and achievements of women in their respective societies.

All the material in the book (texts and photos) was originally produced by the authors and organized by Andrea Silveira and Andréa Bomilcar, in partnership with Editora Eureka, with the collaboration of the Study Group and the following members of the Rhizomatic Network of the Institute: Fisk Frutal (Néia Nogueira), Lumière Languages and Translation, American School of Campinas. This joint collaboration enabled its publication in 6 languages: English (original), Portuguese, French, Spanish, Arabic and Turkish.

The book is available for free download on the internet. The link to the English version is here: Women That Enlighten The World

Other languages can be selected here: Women That Enlighten The World

Bouama Thiombiano - page 37

Bouama Thiombiano - page 37