Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice.
Today, we are considering the testimony of Lawyer Tom Renz. In the video below Tom Renz discusses how censorship is coming from a Silicon Valley oligarchy that is deeply interested in pushing false medical narratives. Mr. Renz also warns everyone to be vigilant. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing - even likely infiltrating this conference. Can you spot an infiltrator? It’s an important skill to develop. Mr. Renz describes being heavily targeted by shadowy types. I am saying this is happening to me and so is Van Morrison.
To expose the origins of the hidden dictatorship attacking us, allow me to suggest listening to REAL HISTORY. To watch this Lawyer speak, start the video at around 2:12:00
Lawyer Tom Renz
Tom Renz: Hi, it’s an honor and privilege to be here amongst my betters and I do appreciate the opportunity.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: How are you doing? What have you been doing legally? I have spoken with Ana Garner and I’m really impressed with what you’re doing in New Mexico. I know you’re a part of this.
Tom Renz: We’re doing a lot of things. What I’ve done is I’ve very slowly and very carefully developed a team I can trust. Who are helping me with litigation. We have litigation going in a number of states and against the Federal Government. We’re getting ready to launch another new wave of litigation. It will be absolutely massive. We are working now and I can’t discuss the details but we’re working right now with some funders who may allow us to do some things that we wouldn’t have imagined possible. Some very highly placed people with deep pockets who will allow us to do this. So if this works out you’ll see another wave of litigation getting launched. I just had a discussion strategically about the overview and you have to understand that what I’m looking at is no longer single cases. I’m looking at a combination of cases that can be used to play off of each other to develop a much larger offensive. It’s really evolved exponentially since our first case. That said, I’m going to offer you guys just because my time is short. I’m going to move quickly with some things. I’m first going to offer a very controversial topic. I think it’s critical that we all hear this. We have seen in the United States. I have evidence that I will never ever be able to share that there are lawyers, groups and people that are working to undermine our work. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. I want for all of you that are truly fans of democracy, who are truly fighting. I want to urge you to be very careful. There’s no single way to tell. These people are brilliant. Some attorneys that have gotten involved, are absolutely brilliant people and far better attorneys than I’ll ever be but I want you to be cautious. One of the things we’ve seen here is that there has been a substantial push. There’s also been some brilliant attorneys that have been convinced that we should not in any way, shape or form discuss the facts surrounding the facts surrounding Covid 19 and that we should only focus on the rule of law. The problem is that we’re censored very, very badly in this country and if we can’t discuss the facts in the courtroom, we can’t discuss them anywhere. So one of the things you need to ask is why would you avoid bringing up the facts when they are scientifically sound. And I would urge you all to ask anyone advising you if they are against that, “Why?” I haven’t found a satisfactory answer. The law varies from country to country so I can’t tell you but in this country there are certain types of cases where it could be a little distracting to bring up the facts but a simple statement rejecting the fact that this is a dangerous and horrible pandemic that is destroying us all is not too much to ask. And it opens the door when we see responsive pleadings for us to say these are nonsense, these are not true. If you aren’t doing that. If you aren’t willing to include that as part of your case then my question to you is, “Why?” And I think that is a really important question. For any of you that are partnering with attorneys from across the pond. If you’re on this side of the pond. Please ask yourself that. Make your own decision. I won’t denigrate the people that have. There are smarter people than me with different legal opinions but I want to make sure that, and I know this is a controversial statement but I want to make sure. There’s going to people upset with me for this but as I said I have personally seen photographic evidence that will never see the light of day. I just can’t do it. I’m under agreements. Those are important. That there are wolves among us. So take it for what it’s worth. Be careful. Because if you truly are a defender of democracy, God bless you. I’m honored to be working with you. I just want you to know to look over your shoulder. I get nothing out of making this statement. Feel free to disregard it if you choose. I’m moving on to another thought. I would like to propose that you have, we’re partnering with a lot more organizations. I would like to suggest perhaps we form a real international coalition of doctors. Frontline Doctors, I don’t know if you’ve heard of them here in America with Simone Gold. I’m working with them very closely now. They’re working with Pam Popper and a number of other people. One of the things that we really need to do is that we need to consolidate this absolutely brilliant group of people into a single research forum because that allows us to create evidence that’s indisputable which is what we need. For example in the United States it’s very difficult to find direct evidence of the causal relationship between vaccination and a death. They’ve covered it up very well and there’s issues with that. One of the things that I would love to see happening is a randomized controlled study evaluating certain aspects of a vaccine. We can’t afford to do that and we don’t have the capacity in many places here but if we came together to fund some of this. But we would need to partner globally to get it done properly. But I think a couple randomized controlled studies demonstrating the nature of this vaccine would go a long ways. We’ve also heard in the United States that, and this is very relevant for you all that they’re probably going to be pushing for full authorization for this drug this summer, probably this summer. I’ve seen some things to point to it. I don’t have direct evidence. If I didn’t think it was correct, I would not say it. If that’s the case then that would mean disaster in the United States and probably everywhere. It’s something we really need to head off at the pass. I’ll tell you that I’m looking at litigation on this and we’ve got a plan and it’s just a matter of executing it. One of the issues is finding lawyers that I can trust who will follow through on these cases because I can only be in so many spots. I’m also being attacked more aggressively by the other side. They are trying to neutralize me from a number of directions. Which frankly, I don’t care about as long as I am able to work with people like you Reiner and people in this call, I don’t care. Calling me names in the press is hardly an issue but there are more serious attacks that I can’t go into right now. In the United States, that is an issue for lawyers that are speaking out. We see doctors in the United States who when they speak out they find people attacking them and trying to remove their license to practice medicine in a number of states. I will say that the people of this country are for the most part waking up to the nonsense. You wouldn’t know it. We’ve had about 30 something million people vaccinated in this country. The numbers have dropped dramatically so now they’re really moving collectively to get the private employers and institutions to mandate it as a condition of work. This is a difficult thing to fight in the courts. Just the way our law works. It makes it difficult and that is not a surprise. The other side is definitely brilliant and definitely well planned. I do think that the idea of getting a country to support this would be an interesting thing. We don’t officially have any standing with the world court or anything. If a nation would have standing and if we could get a nation to bring an international suit and then bring us, the attorneys who actually stand for this in, I think it would be very difficult to suppress information. If we’ve made that a central point. We have to recognize that making the true information is so critical because not only does it allow us to under American rules to get discovery but it also gives us the opportunity to educate. It’s much harder to censor a lawsuit than it is to censor a social media post. As far as cases like I said. We’re hoping that we’ve gotten quite good feedback. We’re hoping to launch an offensive which will be a series of cases. I don’t want to publicly talk about what the cases are going to be yet because every time we do that we see shifts in the government, the lobbying, the legislation, everything. We want it to be a bit of a surprise. I would also urge you all to consider this. We’re all here to fight for medical freedom but this issue doesn’t exist without censorship and control of the media. In your individual nations, I would recommend that if you have the capacity that you look at what you can do to challenge the censorship and the situation we’re having in regards to getting the message out. That is a critical issue. The United States has great rules related to free speech. But we’re also quite quite stifled in terms of the Silicon Valley monopoly that controls frankly everything. You may have grounds to challenge them in other countries that are stronger than what we have in the United States. If you can challenge them and their partners. One of the things that you will see is that the people that run the Silicon Valley companies are partnered, sometimes they are co-owners but they are very involved in this. If you can hit them, you are pulling out a leg of the stool. If you guys have the capacity, I would consider what do we do to hit the people stifling free speech. Because when people hear our truth, it’s indisputable. But they’re not hearing it.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: It just so happens that this is a brand new complaint that my attorneys are going to file on my behalf against Google in this country. And I think our laws in that regard are a little more advanced than those in the United States.
Tom Renz: Wonderful. Well, we need to do that. Please keep me updated on it. We need to really deal with the fact that the censorship is occurring. I was censored in my testimony in front of a legislative body in the United States. It was quite amazing. Now there’s follow up on that. Unbelievable what’s happening here. To the extent possible, I’m happy to answer any question. Ana is a great attorney. We have a great attorney up in Maine, Ron Jenkins. He’s absolutely brilliant. We just filed another suit in Kentucky with a guy named Michael Hamilton and we also have Jonathan Diener and Robert Gargasz and then with the Frontline Doctors, Joey Gilbert. We’ve got just a whole ton of people we’re getting here. Between Make Americans Free Again, Frontline Doctors, really expanding our presence and our reach and our capacity quickly. The nice thing about these groups and I think another thing is we’re all interested in fighting. There’s a tendency to talk and talk and not get anything done. I have to file my cases in good faith and I always do but if I lose a case to move the ball forward that’s okay. Of course I don’t want to lose a case but I’n not so prideful as to believe that a case is more important than this cause. So I urge you all to file, to fight, do what you have got to do on this because we’re at, this is it. Our team, our group, our people, we’re the last line of defense against the new world order, this covid monarchy, whatever you want to call it, it’s here. If we’re not fighting with every ounce of our being, it’s over. It’s life and death. But for our work on a global level, our work, not my work, think how much farther this would be. But for the fact that we have gotten our message out. Educated people. Made people recognize that hey there is another side to this. I’ve heard numerous times that they didn’t expect the resistance they’re getting.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Exactly. Exactly.
Tom Renz: But for that. Think how man more people would be dying or vaccinated on this. Or at risk. Thank you all so much for everything that you are doing. It’s such an honor and a privilege to work with you and to be a part of it. I’ll answer any questions. I have a couple of minutes.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Vice Versa Tom. This is the only way to do it. We have to all be connected with each other. In particular the lawyers and everyone else as well. We have to then exchange the decisions that we have and to share the expert opinions. But it’s also important to be connected and to talk with one another. So I do think like you just said. The other side is surprised at how many of us are not playing along with this. How many of us are saying, “We do not consent.” The funny things is, it’s not really funny, the funny thing is that we are the ones who, one of professors of psychology told us, Professor Lind told us, we’re the ones with moral competence. We’re the ones who have the ability to ask questions rather than blindly following orders. That is element number 1 for moral competence and element number 2 is that we are the ones capable of discussing different opinions, rather than mashing someone in the face just because they hold another opinion. So we’re the ones who are the gatekeepers of democracy.
Tom Renz: But for us fighting, I tremble to think where we would be.