Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Lawyer Uriel Cohen discusses rampant Nuremberg Code violations and media lies in Israel.

Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice. Today, we are considering the testimony of Lawyer Uriel Cohen who has been working to bring informed consent to the Israeli people who are being hammered with lies by their media and government. To watch this Lawyer speak, start the video at minute 1:27.

It’s strange that officialdom in Israel doesn’t seem to believe that there is any need to follow the rules above. Are they really so confident that they are “above the law”? Time will tell.
Learn about the Nuremberg Code here.

I transcribed an approximate representation of the interview below.

Uriel Cohen: I am representing a group call the Israeli People’s Committee with Rotem Brown. She is one of our lead attornies and she’s also a part of this meeting. I would like to start by describing the situation in Israel a bit and then I would like to say something that is not as legally related and then I would like to allow Rotem to describe our legal situation. So you know Israel is a little small country and with around 9 million people and it’s interesting because everything that is going to happen everywhere in the world is happening right now in Israel. So the government claims that we have around 5 million people that have been vaccinated by 2 doses with the Pfizer vaccine which is the vaccine currently being used in Israel. We have around 2 and a half million children under the age of 16 who cannot currently be vaccinated and around 1 and a half million people who are not vaccinated and probably doesn’t want to be vaccinated. They know we have reached a point of stagnation where they know that can’t force the 1 and a half million people to be vaccinated. No matter the green passport. No matter what measures they take. So the next step is to vaccinate the children. One of the projects we are working on is to help people realize the danger of the vaccines. To give the people informed consent. We are concerned this is not being given by the government. So that parents can decide whether or not they actually want to vaccinate their children. The government has been broadcasting propaganda that the vaccine is FDA approved - which it is not. It only has an emergency approval and they are not giving the information at the point of vaccination. In the US when you get a vaccination, you get several pages of information - it’s emergency use only - it’s not approved. In Israel you do not get this. They just jab you with the needle then you go home. So the government has now made a system to inform. Afterwards they tell about side effects and adverse events. There’s no transparency working there. Our group has been collecting from Facebook and social media all kind of reports of adverse effects and collecting them in a document which we have already published in Hebrew. We are in the process of translating it into English and working to get it out. We are seeing very serious side effects. We’re seeing problems in young people. We’re seeing problems with pregnant women. Very serious problems and we want the people to know that the vaccine is probably more dangerous than the disease. So once this report got into social media and started to make some noise, then the government came out - it “leaked” their own report. In which they downplayed the numbers by far. They started claiming that all problems were treatable which is of course a lie. One of the main aspects of what we are trying to do is to make the public aware. The other thing we are trying to attack is to stop the vaccinations on children because the government is starting to talk out vaccinations for children during May, maybe June and they are starting massive propaganda campaigns to cause parents to want to vaccinate their children. They are claiming that some child from non vaccinated parents spread the disease to an entire school. They want to introduce massive PCR Testing in the schools. To cause everyone to be afraid of course to get them to vaccinate their children. From a legal stand point this is what we are trying to do. 

How do we get different types in charge?

How do we get different types in charge?

Viviane Fischer: Can I just ask quickly? So you’re only dealing with the biotic Pfizer vaccine?

Uriel Cohen: The Prime Minister has an agreement with Pfizer which has been published and redacted - major parts redacted. We know even the date that this agreement was redacted. Israel has been compromised and we don’t know how. The Prime Minister has promised to vaccinate 90 percent of the population, maybe more. The pressure upon the government to vaccinate the people is very high and it’s probably high on his pocket as well. The Prime Minister has already bought about around 30 million additional doses because they’re saying that 2 doses will not be enough. The antibodies will fade in a few months and you will have to have a 3rd dose, another vaccination.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Uriel, I don’t know if you heard about this but there is a rumor that kickbacks are being paid to your Prime Minister for every “vaccination”.

Uriel Cohen: I don’t know if this is true but it might be true. I’m sure that there are other government officials that they might be getting paybacks also and I’m sure that many of the doctors that are working to, that want to vaccinate people are also getting some sort of payback but I also want to say that there’s I think, there’s something as collateral to the agreement that’s it’s very dangerous not to fulfill it. Because of the deficit and so on.