Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Lawyer Natalia Ravanales speaks of the legalizing of euthanasia, military on the streets and government positioning to seize control of youth in Chile.

In this moving interview, Lawyer Natalia Ravanales speaks of how her population has been manipulated into very severe home incarceration while politicians are busy changing laws to something out of Brave New World. This blog recently covered how foreign infiltration led to fascist realities in Chile in the past. Now that it’s happening again, heroic Lawyer Natalia Ravanales vows to fight for her people. Please pray for her protection.
From country to country, various lawyers testify about similar ultra audacious power grabs, mass lying and organized abuse of the population, particularly egregious has been the institutionalized tormenting of children.

Lawyer Natalia Ravanales

Lawyer Natalia Ravanales

All these stunning power grabs have been based on a PCR Test that can’t tell us anything about who has an infection and an illusion that asymptomatic people are spreading a plague like virus.

Betina Feldman translates for Lawyer Natalia Ravanales below. The interview can be watched in the video above at minute: 3:19:41 – 3:50:25.

Betina Feldman: It is a great honour to have been invited to expose the situation of Chile.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Yes, please. Thank you.

Betina Feldman: I am a lawyer in Chile and my specialty is the human rights law in Chile. In March 2020, the president of Chile declared the emergency sanitary state that till today is still there. This was declared when there was only one case of a positive test in Chile. Only one case. It was constantly renovated this state of emergency because of big danger. This year it was extended with the help of the Congress for till June up to now, might be that they extend it longer. We are in Chile in really a sanitary dictatorship. In practical life, we are in a constitutional state, but in the real life we are in a dictatorial sanitary state. The people are in, constantly locked down inside their houses for hours, days and months inside. It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy or sick, you have to be in lockdown. A violation of human rights, very bad violation of human rights. (Inaudible) has taken us a lot from the United States from the ONO. The ONO is the one who determines all what is going on inside Chile, as you know, and it determines all of what is going on in Chile as an experimental lab test (inaudible) like this. Very strong decay of what we have known once as a state of law.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: So they are too they’re trying to destroy the rule of law in order to destroy democracy and install a well, as you’re saying communist dictatorship, right?

Betina Feldman: The political crisis in Chile began in 2019 before the pandemic and I’m sorry to say we have the military in the street here with the (inaudible) already now. With the clear intention, she said, to convert Chile in a colony under globalist powers. They want a constitutional change.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: To what?

Betina Feldman: All this time that we were locked down without our basic rights they were making profound changes in the internal law and in the Constitution.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Same happens here.

Betina Feldman: For example, they make legal the abortion in a young girls without cause, so the governments have a complete power over the children. They also want to approve the (inaudible) law, this is something that they are going to approve soon the (inaudible) law, and they want to put back, I would say the military power back, the (inaudible) back in power. This is the real reason why the country is in lockdown. The real reason is that they want to make this into a military dictatorship. They want to have complete power over the children, and they want to introduce euthanasia.

Viviane Fischer: How does this euthanasia law, what’s that gonna look like?

Betina Feldman: The government says that nowadays one of the fundamental law in the planet to have the right to apply the (inaudible). This is why they want to put it also in Chile. This is what they say, the government is saying that.

Viviane Fischer: That doesn’t exist anywhere else. I mean, not to that –

Betina Feldman: It’s not a law yet but it is before getting law, you know, (inaudible) and it is in the process before becoming a law, I don’t know the name –

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: – it’s a draft bill and they’re try – really? Does the population know about this?

Betina Feldman: Very few people know it because the only thing that people hear or you read about here is only the plandemic and that’s it. And 24/7, we have only the numbers of how many people are “positive”, “sick” or whatever.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: So in other words, while people are being kept in panic and are looking towards Corona being so dangerous, behind their backs they’re changing the entire constitution and all the laws in that country?

Betina Feldman: Exactly.

Viviane Fischer: And this law is it so that it is going to mean that you can basically kill people who are disabled, sick, old or what are the criterias?

Betina Feldman: Yeah, and these except for the abortion law and there is another one that the parents lose their power over the kids. This is also another thing that they are doing now in Chile. I didn’t know about this question. I mean, they want to put that the state the government, they want to put a new law that the government is responsible for the kids, not the parents anymore, they the government will be responsible for the kids. For example, if a parent denies to give the vaccine to the kids, the government is going to be able to take these kids out of the house of their parents.

Viviane Fischer: Here they, at least, they’re moving also in this direction here that it’s becoming more and more obvious that they want to decide about what is good for the children. This is also that they’re trying to put it also more and more into the hands of the government.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: What we’re seeing here is that from what we learned just from Gustavo is that in some parts of this world, Uruguay being one of such countries, they don’t even pretend that they have a factual basis what they’re doing. They’re just doing it. And in other countries like in this one in Chile, they’re going one step further and they’re already trying to take child custody away from the parents to transfer it to the government. They’re about to introduce euthanasia. So I think it’s about time that the rest of the world wakes up to this because that is a worldwide agenda. And we all have to do something.

Betina Feldman: Chile is a country in South America central to the shift of the agenda of the 2030 new reset. They say Chile and the government of Chile is the one who rules in South America.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Is there anything going on in the courts of law? Is there anything you can do in the courts or are the courts part of the government? Are they corrupt?

Betina Feldman: In Chile there are very few lawyers, I will say she’s the only one [Natalia later refers to other lawyers], this is my opinion, that is doing something against the plandemic. Considering the amount of violation of human rights that have been done on the face of the Coronavirus of the emergency of the Coronavirus. Two weeks ago she was already, I don’t know what is Habeas Corpus I think it is, in 13 courts in Chile and all were rejected. Also, with (inaudible) a lawyer and two other more. She wants to explain more about what she did about the 13 lawsuits that she was putting in the 13 courts in Chile. A lot of investigation to the court. A lot of really good investigation to each court. It went even through the Supreme Court in Chile where she was speaking and had written down all what was going on against the violation of human rights in the name of the sanitary emergency. They made a paper written down a very good statement and they were naming 2 million, 2 million people that they are in really bad health condition that they cannot be attended, and they were they were not being attended, and they were not given any kind of operation and they needed it. 220,000 serious operations were not done just to give priority to the Covid cases. Also, they sent this year now in March 220,000 people they were rejected to be attended in 11 regions or provinces in Chile. It orders that the people cannot be attended. The people that gave these orders are the same people that were putting the country in a sanitary emergency lockdown that the sanitary measures, these sanitary measures they are more damage than the plandemic.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Of course.

Viviane Fischer: How many dead Corona victims do you have?

Betina Feldman: 0.6% in the last year?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah, but that’s nothing.

Viviane Fischer: How many people in total?

Betina Feldman: 24,000 people in 22 million.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: And you don’t know if they are really COVID victims, or just positive tests?

Betina Feldman: Up to now there is no autopsy in Chile, so there is no way to know from what they were dying.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Why do they come to the conclusion that they died of COVID? Is it because of positive testing? What is this? I mean this is totally completely stupid. What is going on? Are people believing this bullshit?

Betina Feldman: Yes. Yes.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: No evidence. No evidence.

Betina Feldman: The people are more in panic and more in fear and the more they obey.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We have to break this chain; we have to break this. We do have to make sure that all of us are connected. Both the lawyers and everyone else. This cannot go on. This has gotten totally out of hand, and it’s so obvious from looking at Chile and Uruguay. It’s so obvious, because in Uruguay they don’t even care. They don’t even try to give the people an explanation for what’s going on. They just do it. And in Chile, we can see which way they’re headed. They’re taking away the children. They’re trying to introduce a law about euthanasia, the military is in the streets. So this is a complete hoax from what I’m gathering now. I mean, I had a suspicion that that’s the case. But if I look at those two countries, there’s no basis for any of this. I don’t understand why do people why don’t they go out and take to the streets, because they’re in panic? Is that all?

Betina Feldman: The people don’t go to the street because they are afraid.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Yes, I understand.

Viviane Fischer: And what is the military doing in the streets, so they’re checking that you don’t leave the house at night or just creating fear of, what is the deal?

Betina Feldman: We have the military in the street. She respects the law but they are not obeying anymore the oaths that they have taken. We have a curfew in Chile from nine o’clock in the evening. So the military was (inaudible) in their mission in their power. And now they’re only charged to ask permission to the kids and to the women or to the people in the street if they have a permit to be able to go to the street and now in lockdown you can only go to the street twice a week for two hours to shop. And then if you go, this happened also to me, you have the military’s asking you for the stupid permit that says that you have to, what time did you get the permit to be able to go to buy bread in the shop?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That is extremely scary, I must say. And I can only understand that the only reason why this is happening is because they’re believing these tales of horror. And in reality, there is no such thing. It’s just an illusion and people believe it.

Betina Feldman: She says she is really proud to be one of the two lawyers who is doing something in Chile to fight for this. She’s not afraid and she’s not going to be intimidated, even though they wanted to put her yesterday, I heard about this, penalty, because she was exposing all these cases in front of the 13 judges. Now she pays a penalty because of being one of the lawyers who speaks the truth in Chile. And because she’s a patriot she will not give up and she’s very proud that she is a fighter and that she will go through with this even if she has to go to international court. Because in Chile, she has now the feeling that she did all what she could here in this country, and it’s time for her to go into international court. Otherwise, we are going on a bad direction in this country.

Reiner Fuellmich: Well Natalia we’re very proud to have you in our session to be able to interview you in this session. And you must stay in touch with us and the rest of the colleagues who are in this session. There’s going to be more international colleagues in part two of this which will happen next Friday. So you must stay in touch. We have to be able to help each other, not just on the legal front, but also on all other fronts as well as far as information is concerned, for example. If you need any expert opinions, if you need any experts, feel free to ask because we’ll put you in touch with them.

Betina Feldman: She says she’s very thankful and she’s very proud to be a part of this conversation that she’s believes also in Divine Law and that she hopes that very soon this is going to be over and that we can go back to our divine essence, to be connected as human beings so we don’t need to go through all these kinds of things that they are so bad for all of us. And she’s really thankful that she has the opportunity to be here with all of you.

Reiner Fuellmich: We must stay connected and I believe she’s absolutely right. And Michael Swinwood who is waiting to talk to us, he’s in Peru right now and I think he agrees 100 percent. There’s the spiritual side in this and by way of connecting law and spirituality we will win this.

Betina Feldman: Thank you very much she says, and so be it.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Yes. Thank you very, very much. And please stay in touch.

Betina Feldman:: Thank you very much it’s a great honour to be part of your movement. Thank you Reiner and Vivienne for giving me the opportunity to translate and hopefully it was okay.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: It was perfect, thank you so much. And have a great weekend despite all this bullshit.

Betina Feldman: Thank you. You too.

The basis of this transcription was located here.