Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Lawyer Gustavo Sulle speaks of an installed government taking orders from elsewhere happening in Uruguay.

A lawyer in Uruguay named Gustavo Sulle says that in his nation the puppet like officials aren’t even trying to fully keep up pretences regarding the pandemic publicity campaign. It seems obvious that publicists couldn’t manage or didn’t feel the need to push their narrative as intensely there as they did in other countries. In addition, Mr. Sulle indicates that he doesn’t think the Uruguayan populace is all that fooled either.

In this inquest, lawyer after lawyer in country after country tells the same story - a huge publicity campaign is being operated in cooperation with clearly bought local officials forcing extreme human rights violations on a public they purport to protect. These clearly bought officials and publicists are open and shut violating the Nuremberg Code.

To hear this testimony from Uruguay (translated by Betina Feldman), start the following video at minute: 3:00:13 – 3:19:41 

Betina Feldman: Gustavo is an old man he needs the (inaudible).  Thank you very much for the invitation. Friends, we are in a war, the third world war he says. The genocide elite are turning the world against the people, he says. He says it’s more than being a lawyer there has to be the fighters.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yes, absolutely.

Betina Feldman: It’s going to be a point of going back to the fixture and in the law. They are going to bring a law that is going to bring the things back again. They are going to make, they want to implement a COVID passport. They want to make also a green card that means that this is a green passport that is going to have all the people that have got the vaccine to be able to participate in all the social activities. So all the people that have no vaccine are going to be a pharmacological outsiders. They are going to be treated like the lepers that lived in the medieval ages. It was (inaudible) in Urugray that the university and the group that is giving advice to the President they conferred with a public document that the vaccines, that they don’t know anything about the vaccines, and they made a public document about this saying that they have no idea about the vaccines.

Reiner Fuellmich: Oh my God. But how can they do that if they don’t even know what’s going on? Are they just following orders and if so, whose orders?

Betina Feldman: All the politicians, he said, they are puppets that they are obeying somebody else.

Reiner Fuellmich: I agree.

Betina Feldman: Like Miguel also said, the war has two components a virus components and one of the media, two things are going together. I don’t think that I need to translate.

Reiner Fuellmich: That’s what it’s all about. The funny thing is that it becomes clearer and clearer that there’s absolutely no factual evidence to support the idea of this virus being dangerous, and that there’s no factual evidence, of course not, that there is anything good in the vaccines. And this seems to be the case all over the world. In some countries, they don’t even try to hide this like in your country. It’s incredible.

Betina Feldman: He said that the minister, the university and the Ministry of Health and the government, the people that are in the government are saying 100 percent sure that the COVID exists and it is a very dangerous sickness. That COVID practically kills everybody.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah, but there’s no evidence for it is there?

Betina Feldman: No. He says that this is a way of, through the media, because like he was saying a lie that is repeated 100 times is going to be the truth, let’s say it’s like this and the media has 100 percent to do in all what is going on in the moment. But I will say I don’t know why but in Chile and Argentina it’s all the same.

Vivienne: How many people have died officially in Uruguay from COVID?

Betina Feldman: So he said that in the year 2020 the ministry was saying that those dying were less than 1 percent of the people in (inaudible) 160, 175.

Reiner Fuellmich: So where’s the evidence for a pandemic, there’s nothing. It’s incredible that they’re not even trying to hide this in Uruguay.

Betina Feldman: He says that this is sustained through the brought in political government, the media all what is the media, newspapers TV, and radio etc are mercenaries, as he calls them. Or that they are afraid.

Reiner Fuellmich: This number 174 was in one year? That’s nothing. What’s happening in the courts. Are there any lawsuits going on or how do you fight this?

Betina Feldman: There are two things, one is that there is a group in Uruguay called Doctors for the Truth that they are sustaining what you were saying, Reiner, they don’t lie, they say lets see the truth, yeah. You know, there’s only one lawyer, Enrique Vianna. Only one. I don’t know why there is not a state of law.

Reiner Fuellmich: Oh my god. What does that mean? Does it mean that the country is being ruled by autocratic rulers? Is there no democracy if you have no rule of law? How can there be democracy?

Vivienne: There is no democracy anywhere, no democracies anywhere.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yes, he’s right, he’s right.

What is ruling is a word that he created that I was saying to you, Reiner, that is Klepto-Corporatocracia.

Reiner Fuellmich: That’s a good word.

Betina Feldman: Klepto Corporato Crazia.

Reiner Fuellmich: Klepto Corporate yeah.

Betina Feldman: Klepto is the thief, the one who steals.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yes I know.

Betina Feldman: The one who bribes yeah. Corporato is the corporations - the law of the big corporations - corporato. The power of the corporations are still the people of the fifth column.

The truth is in the patterns.

The truth is in the patterns.

Reiner Fuellmich: But it seems like people are waking up to this. You’re not the only one who understands this right? Do the people understand this as well?

Betina Feldman: There is only 30% in the capital who took a vaccine and a very little percentage inside the country. It makes him hope that there are more awakened people like he believes that there are.

Reiner Fuellmich: That’s good to hear because I think there are many more people than we think that do not believe in this hoax anymore. I think most of them you can’t recognise because, I don’t know, do you have mask mandates in Uruguay?

Betina Feldman: Yeah, it is obligatory of course in the closed spaces 100 percent and outside also but it’s more from the media that makes everybody afraid and from these doctors that they say that the masks are good. This obligatory in the court and everybody who goes inside the court, they declared it obligatory, to go to a court which to use it in the court all the time, the mask. This was for them a kind of attack because it is a basic right to breathe free, and you understand. So the basic right to breathe free was cut when they said okay, you have to wear the mask in the court.

Reiner Fuellmich: Do they not accept medical exemptions?

Betina Feldman: No. I mean, I am one of the proofs of that. I had one and I nearly went to jail because of this. It doesn’t exist in this part of the world.

Reiner Fuellmich: Okay, now we’re under a bit of a time pressure. And there’s two more guests who we have to talk to, our colleague, Natalia Ravanales from Chile and of course, Michael Swinwood. Is there anything that, in addition to what you told us, Gustavo, is there anything that we need to know about Uruguay?

Betina Feldman: He wants to close saying that this globalist dictatorship that tries to impose the Chinese communist model around the planet only can be stopped with the people on the streets fighting through.

Reiner Fuellmich: Well thank you very much Gustavo and don’t give up, but you don’t look like you’re going to give up. Thank you.

The basis for this transcription was found here.