Was yet another truth teller murdered?

The post referenced below states that after the President of Tanzania exposed the PCR Test as misleading, he disappeared and was replaced with a World Economic Forum associate. Read the article here.

Tanzania President John Magufuli dead five weeks after The Guardian calls for “reining him in”

Tanzania President John Magufuli dead five weeks after The Guardian calls for “reining him in”

The World Economic Forum is a Switzerland-based NGO. German economist Klaus Schwab is the founder. He co-authored the book “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” published last summer. He is also the primary purveyor of the transhumanism agenda and the “fourth industrial revolution.”

The World Economic Forum is a Switzerland-based NGO. German economist Klaus Schwab is the founder. He co-authored the book “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” published last summer. He is also the primary purveyor of the transhumanism agenda and the “fourth industrial revolution.”