Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Lawyer Dr. Michael Brunner discusses successes in Austria.

Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer speak to Lawyer Dr. Michael Brunner about what’s happening in Austria involving the international legal offensive battling the violation of fundamental laws.

Lawyer Dr. Michael Brunner

Lawyer Dr. Michael Brunner

2:27:31 – 2:40:09 – Reiner Fuellmich – There are now fifty attorneys in this group of Attorney’s for Constitutional Rights, as they call themselves. Now this is a lot considering that the entire population of attorney’s is six thousand, so fifty attorneys are cooperating in this group of Attorneys for Constitutional Rights. They are very active and there are new decisions by the constitutional court. In the meantime, Dr Brunner explained to us that about twenty-five ordinances, rules and regulations have been suspended because there’s no factual, and of course no legal basis for it, including mask mandates, sport activities, or the rule that in order to go into a hospital and visit patients you will have to give them all your personal data, there is no legal foundation for this is what the constitutional court declared.

Also, mask mandates when it comes to cabs, if you sit in a cab you don’t have to wear the masks anymore because, again there is absolutely no legal no factual foundation for this and no, this is important, no documentation in any of the files. Dr Brunner says that they probably didn’t put anything into the files because they don’t have anything and in his estimation almost all of the ordinances that were passed between March 16th of 2020 and September 20th of 2020 are unconstitutional.

Next thing is they are dealing with the PCR tests. So this is interesting, he filed a constitutional complaint on December 4th and he has the perfect case because he’s representing a nurse who, back then, was obliged to get tested once a week now it’s even twice a week. Dr Brunner is very optimistic that he’s going to win this case because he has given the court a lot of expert opinions, in the meantime there are quite a few expert opinions all over the world, by the way, and on the other side the Secretary of Health hasn’t given the court anything except for two links in their brief.

So I asked him if this is normal, I mean if you go to court if you defend a case in court, in particular at the level of the constitutional court, usually you try to get prepared as best as you can, and I asked him why is this happening don’t they believe in their own case, and he says well it’s hard to explain because ordinarily of course you do expect a party in such an important lawsuit to bring evidence to show the court evidence and in this case they didn’t really show any evidence. Those two links one of them was actually referring to the German RKI, which is the German equivalent of the American CDC and he says well why don’t they even try to at least give them Austrian evidence? Probably because there isn’t any.

This is important because in my mind one of the most important questions is does the Government still act according to what it’s courts decide, and Dr Brunner says well he has the impression that the Government doesn’t really care about what the courts decide. The question is though, however, he says that the population will not play along with this much longer. And he says the focal point of the legal proceedings are now, everything is focusing on the PCR test because if you get the courts to understand that PCR tests cannot detect tell you anything about infections, and he also says that there are no asymptomatic infections and if they were, this is what Fauci says, if there were any it wouldn’t play any role in the context of infections. So if you get the courts to understand that those two lies, which were invented by the way by Drosden, that those two assessments or assertions are wrong and the whole house of cards is going to collapse.

The basis of this transcription was found here.