Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Lawyer Gerold Beneder won a big case in Austria upholding that the PCR Test cannot tell us anything about infection.

False positives resulting from the misuse of PCR Tests are the entire pretext of this “pandemic”. The uselessness of PCR Tests for diagnosing infection has been upheld already in Portugal, Austria and Germany.

Now that the truth really is out, we can see exactly who is being paid or somehow compelled to uphold a false narrative in the public sphere and they are opening themselves up to being tried for Nuremberg Code violations. These deceivers are now being clearly viewed by the non mind controlled (i.e. those that realize much media is lying) as the enemies of child and public safety that they truly are. Judges who subvert justices in the interests of implementing a totalitarian coup d’etat will always be remembered - if they are remembered - as enemies of humanity.

Lawyer Gerold Beneder

Lawyer Gerold Beneder

Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich speaks with lawyer Gerold Benedor about the legal offensive being mounted all over the world to counter the recent assaults on our rights. The basis of the transcription provided below was located at this link here.

The video pertinent to the transcription below can be accessed at minute: 2:12:27 – 2:27:29.

Gerold Beneder: Hello everybody to Italy, Great Britain, Canada, Austria, Russia (inaudible) and all the lawyers sitting and watching and the people also, and this was my English and my (inaudible) to German because the difficult things I can only say in German.

Reiner Fuellmich: The probably now new decision by an administrative law court in Vienna is the most obvious success that this group of lawyers has achieved over the last couple of weeks, and our colleague Mr Beneder quotes from this decision. It was a appellate decision against the prohibition of a demonstration and the officials had based this prohibition, of course, on the assumption that probably people wouldn’t keep distances as they are supposably obliged to do. The court agreed with the plaintiffs on all points, which is highly unusual. Each individual aspect the court agreed with on the plaintiff’s side. In particular, they concentrated on the PCR test and how they cannot tell you anything about infections, in particular that positive cases do not mean infections, that you need real illnesses, that you need symptoms on top of just a positive test result, and that you cannot trust anything beyond, so finally this court has agreed that anything beyond thirty-five is completely useless because you end up at ninety-seven percent false positives. It also agreed that the rising case numbers are the result of the rising test numbers.

The link is here.

The link is here.

The second decision that Mr. Beneder won is by another administrative law court in Upper Austria and without, this is remarkable because this was not even, he hadn’t even asked for preliminary injunction, but this is a real and normal case. It was tried, and decided, within six days, and this case dealt with whether or not the exemptions that a doctor writes for the mask mandates whether or not this needs to be taken seriously when there’s a criminal investigation. So, this court found that it doesn’t make a difference if a doctor is being investigated because of the number of exemptions that he wrote. Even if a doctor is under investigation the exemptions are still valid, so that doesn’t make a difference, and what also doesn’t make a difference is that if there is a long-distance physical distance between the doctor and the patient because there is a free choice of doctors, anyone can choose anyone, as any patient can choose any doctor for treatment.

The third that he referred to is, it’s not really a case but there’s a new rules and regulations in Vienna which is the capital of Austria that in those places, in particular in those places where people like to demonstrate they have to wear masks now, they have a mask mandate even if it’s seventy-five degrees they have to wear masks, but as Mr. Beneder pointed out the population doesn’t really like it and obviously there is going to be push back against this.

The next step they’re going to take is to attack the mask mandate and they’re going to once again ask the constitutional court to take a closer look at these, because in many instances it simply doesn’t make any sense to have to wear masks outdoors and in particular places at this time of year.