Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: activist Leslie Manookian in the United States on the agenda to destroy our civilization.

One of the reason I decided to rebel by reading old credible books online was because there was no question in my mind that our culture is being attacked and I wanted to fight for it.
Filmmaker and activist Leslie Manookian speaks to lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer about what’s going on in the United States in response to the massive assault on our rights that we are enduring and fending off.

(1:19:21 – 1:49:53) – Reiner Fuellmich: Okay Leslie, can you hear us?

Leslie Manookian I can hear you. Can you hear me okay?

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah, we can speak German of course, but as everybody knows she speaks perfect German. See what I mean. You can read German decisions too.

LM: Yeah.

Reiner Fuellmich: Okay…

LM: …very slowly…

Reiner Fuellmich: …yeah. Now you’re not an attorney, but you know a lot about the law. What is your background?

LM: I’m the president of Health Freedom Defence Fund and Health Freedom Defence Fund is a non-profit that I founded last year, but I’d really like to go back and explain a little bit more of my background if it’s okay?

Reiner Fuellmich: Sure.

LM: I started out actually as an MBA. I got my MBA from the University of Chicago and I worked in finance for many years living in London and I first started out working for Goldman Sachs and then I ended up going and working for one of my clients, which is Alliance Capital and running their European growth portfolio management and research businesses for a period of years, until I retired, and I retired because I was sick and getting sicker, and I didn’t know at the time that it was because of vaccine injury actually. But I was also really disillusioned with what I was doing because I love to tell this story because it’s just a jaw dropping story, but my job at Alliance was to interview the CEO’s of multi-national corporations and decide which of the European companies we should put into our portfolios, and I used to see the y’know CEO of these companies all the time because we were some of the biggest shareholders in the world, and so one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world at the time came into our offices and they had a drug that was in phase three trials, and their drug was in the phase three trials it was killing some people, and so the whole management team came in and they said listen, yes in very rare instances people have died in the clinical trials, but y’know we think it’s very very rare it’s not a big issue, and then he said “the bad news is the FDA is going to make us put a black box warning on the packaging. The good news is that we still think we’ll be able to do $7 billion in peak sales”. And I thought to myself, wow. Okay so they know people are going to die from this drug, but they’re okay with it because they’re still gonna do $7 billion dollars in peak sales. And I just, for me it was just a complete wake up call. It completely changed my life because I just felt, the veil was lifted right and I could see that these pharmaceutical companies were more concerned about their corporate profits than they were about human life and it really shifted something in me, so I ended up quitting and simultaneous I was sick, so I had gone to see a homeopath and homeopathy really started healing me and changing my life.

Then I enrolled in homeopathy college and I learned about the whole vaccine issue, but I had no idea that’s what had happened to me, and I ended up making a documentary film called The Greater Good, which you can see at greatermoviegood.org and that really launched me into the whole health freedom space, and so fast forward y’know I’ve been researching vaccines and FDA and laws and all these things for a very very long time almost twenty years now and you get us to January of 2020 and I could see, as soon as this whole thing was announced, how it was going to unfold. That was the impetus for me to actually found Health Freedom Defence Fund was that I was gravely concerned about where this was all going, and you could tell because I could walk you through the legislation that’s been passed in the United States starting with the Bayh Dole Act in 1980 I believe it was, this is an act that allows the federal employees to do research funded by federal tax dollars to actually retain the intellectual property rights, so the patents on those things and then profit.

So Fauci and all of his minions they are profiting from off of this and people don’t understand this, but anyway so coming full circle I started out as an MBA, saw a lot of the corruption in the corporate world first-hand myself and then as this all started to unfold last year, I could see where it was all going and decided to start Health Freedom Defence Fund and a wonderful, amazingly accomplished lawyer came into my life shortly before that and so he is my general council, which I can talk about but that’s basically the answer for that, Reiner.

Reiner Fuellmich: Well that case then, the case with the client from the pharmaceutical industry, it sounds like the Ford Pinto case, do you remember that one? I mean, they don’t care as long as they make money. They don’t even care if people die.

LM: I know, it’s jaw dropping. People just don’t understand it yet and I think I have a very unique perspective perhaps from having been at a fairly y’know successful level in that world, and people just don’t understand that the thing is that everyone thinks oh well we’ve got, everything’s okay because we have,so the way it works in finance is that the big institutional investment managers, pension funds and things like that, they are supposed to act as a check, a checking balance on the corporate world right, so if they think that management is doing something that’s inappropriate or wrong then the big institutional investment managers should say something, that’s the whole point of shareholders, right? The problem is that the line of thinking has become if you’re invested in the stock then you should support managementSo that checking balance has been completely destroyed by this idea that well you shouldn’t own the company, own stock in the company if you don’t like what management is doing. The whole point is to have shareholders who are active and who are saying hey, you shouldn’t pay your CEO that much, or this isn’t appropriate you know to hold them accountable and that’s not happening.

Reiner Fuellmich: I thought that was changing I thought that shareholders were beginning to be much more active, but maybe that’s not the case anymore?

LM: Well Reiner I think what it is is that I haven’t  been in that world for almost twenty years now and so I think I finished in 2003 was when I fully ended my career, and yes some shareholders are becoming more active and there are some organisations that are more activist type, but it’s usually around a specific issue like climate change or something like that. It’s almost always agenda or issue driven rather than just pure corporate governance. And yes, it’s getting better, but you know we’re talking about the trillion of dollars that are held by these asset managers and they’re not really providing the proper check that you would have thought that they were providing. It’s a very interesting thing.

Reiner Fuellmich: I’ve been to a number of annual meetings of some of the German corporations and it turns out that those who were really in power, of course, the large institutional investors and they’re always in line with management, so I guess maybe nothing has changed? It looked like it was changing, but then again no, and they’re only…

LM:…the thing is there’s a reason for it, so you know our kind of corporate policy was that don’t own the stock if you don’t like what management is doing, which is you know…

Reiner Fuellmich: …yeah…

LM:…kind of understandable, but there’s the other thing is that if you’re agitating and you’re different, if you’re really challenging what the CEO or the CFO, you know the corporate management are doing, they don’t actually wanna talk with you, so if you want access to management you have to “play nice”, and in order to, you want access to management in order to really understand the business so you can make the most accurate investment decision, so it’s a very it’s a conflicting and challenging situation like so many in life right?

Reiner Fuellmich: Uh huh.

LM: That the investment, the research analyst and the portfolio managers play nice with management, even if they don’t like something that they’re doing, because they need access to them and the thing is the investor relations person is the gatekeeper and if you’re a pain in the butt you’re not gonna get meetings with these people.

Reiner Fuellmich: Hmm.

LM: If you don’t get meetings with these people then you can’t do your job as well.

Reiner Fuellmich: Hmm.

Vivienne: So now we see a lot of, you know with the revolving door with the authorities that are supposed to watch over the safety issues say for the vaccines and other you know medical devices and stuff. And they’re also not doing a good job because like it’s you know like this like an intertwinement basically of conflicting interests as what we can see everywhere now. I mean looking at the Drosden situation where he comes out with the research paper and then at the same time you know that’s then being cited by the WHO and then you know it’s like he’s involved and his company TIB Molbiol you know that produces the PCR test, it’s like a huge, yeah I don’t know like a huge amount of conflicting interests and we somethings don’t even know about this, but when we do it’s not looking very good.

LM: Yeah so, Vivienne, people have no idea how controlled everything they see is, and when I say everything they see, I mean not just the newspaper, not just television news, but in the medical journals, what the hospital research centres would, all of the research centres and Government agencies and entities are putting out, and the reason for that is twofold.

Number one is the vast majority of research almost all research is done either by the pharmaceutical industry or tax fare Government grants that are taxpayer funded, and Government has policies right, they promote vaccines, they promote all sorts of things. They promote the pharmaceutical industry in many many ways, and the pharmaceutical industry is the number one advertiser in all the media outlets, seventy percent of television news in the United States in a non-election year. They…

Reiner Fuellmich:…seventy seven zero?

LM: Seven zero.

Reiner Fuellmich: Holy schmokes.

LM: Yea, not to mention they spend something like, I have to think if I remember this figure correctly but something like $4 billion dollars every year in the United States in all sorts of promotion advertising marketing, you know all different kinds of things that they do. But they also are the biggest purchaser of what is called medical journal reprints. So when medical journals are put out, you know doctors subscribe and libraries and other institutions subscribe, and that’s one portion of the revenue stream for these journals, but a gigantic portion, if I remember correctly, forty percent in some cases maybe fifty percent, is actually called journal reprints and so what happens is the pharmaceutical industry funds the research, they oftentimes have ghost written research so they just pay someone to write it and this has been revealed in lawsuits against Eli Lilly and other corporations over time, and then they’ll just put some doctor’s name on it who wants to show they’ve been “published” and then they get it published in a peer review journal and then they pay for reprints of that peer reviewed journal, so they get an article really glossy and nicely printed of their research that’s been published in the journal, and then they send it out all over the world. So if you’re a medical journal and that’s forty percent of your revenues, are you going to be very discerning about what you publish? Or are you going to publish things that are very sympathetic to the pharmaceutical industry, and that’s what happens.

And then there’s another piece of it which is really important. I mentioned the Bayh Dole Act. Well in 1992 The Prescription Drug User Fee Act was passed in the United States by the Congress, and it was updated in, I think, 2007 and then more recently, and what this did was actually facilitate industry capturing FDA. Okay so it used to be that FDA was just funded by taxpayer dollars, right it was a Government entity. Now, FDA drug approvers drug reviewers fifty to sixty percent of their salaries are paid directly by the pharmaceutical industry itself. More than that even in some years, yes, so The Prescription Drug User Fee Act, as I mentioned it was passed in 92 and they were like oh it’s just gonna be small you know it’s a hundred million dollars or something like that, now I looked at something the budget is now at over a billion dollars, I think it was $1.3 billion dollars if the thing that I was looking at is correct. That’s what the forecast, or that’s what it was in 2017, the fees are the total percentage of the program sixty three percent, so you have a situation where the FDA drug reviewers are beholden to the pharmaceutical industry itself rather than to the people that they are supposed to be protecting, the public.

It is just so corrupt, and there’s a third wheel of this which is that it’s not just the pharmaceutical industry, but in the first decade in this century the Gates Foundation gave a billion dollars to the media in the United States.

Reiner Fuellmich: That’s the point.

LM: Okay, a billion dollars, and what did they do it for? They “gave” of course right, they gave them a billion dollars in order to make sure that they were trained and educated to portray the Gates Foundation perspective accurately.

Reiner Fuellmich: Accurately, yeah. Whatever that means?

LM: Exactly.

Reiner Fuellmich: The thing is it’s more than a spider web…

LM: …(inaudiable) to ignore

Reiner Fuellmich: … it’s a swamp of corruption…

LM:…it’s massive collusion…

Reiner Fuellmich: …and it’s everywhere, it’s everywhere. It includes all areas of society. It includes politics, it includes industry, it probably includes some of the courts as well. We know that it does here in Europe. We know that it does in Germany.

LM: Yes.

RF: And there are few people out there who are capable of understanding what’s going on even amongst the legal community here, I mean the judiciary. There are sixty or perhaps seventy judges and prosecutors, or is it more, who don’t want to play along with this.

Vivienne: We don’t know the numbers.

Reiner Fuellmich: It may be a little less, but it’s a group of people which pales in comparison to the huge number of judges, I think there’s sixty thousand or so in this country, so we’re dealing with the same problems all over the world and I think we do need to, everywhere you look you see corruption. There’s a group which I used to belong to, I think I just cancelled my membership, it’s Transparency International, which they have great people working for this group, it’s an anti-corruption NGO, but at the very top that’s where the corruption is, so we do have to have a great reset quite different from what the other side wants it to be. Quite different.

LM: Yes we do need a, I mean I think that that’s something we can all agree on that we do need a reset. We need to clean house…

Reiner Fuellmich:…yeah, we need to clean house.

LM: Our Governments tax us with no intention, tax us and spend with no intention of ever repaying.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah.

Reiner Fuellmich: US debt is now something like $28 trillion dollars.

Reiner Fuellmich: Oh my God.

LM: It was only $4 trillion literally like fifteen years ago, I mean this is unreal right?

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah.

LM: It is insane what we’re experiencing and it’s because it’s not just,so you know I’ve talked about one piece of it, but there’s the other part of it, which is that you don’t get anywhere unless you are willing to play ball with these groups, right?

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah, good point.

LM: And there’s something really important too, there’s an amazing book called None Dare Call it Conspiracy that came out in the 1970s and it was a follow up to something called the Church Committee and there were investigations by Congress into the focus of non-profit foundations in the United States, okay? So, non-profits didn’t exist at the turn of the twentieth century, they were created in their early part of the, I forget, I think it was 1908 1910 nineteen, somewhere around that arrangement in that area and they appear to be for philanthropic purposes but really what’s happened is that they are a secret way for the super-rich to amass wealth, manage their wealth and deploy it secretly tax-free. So what happens is that those foundations, and this was the issue with the investigations, revealed was that these foundations are using their influence and their “tax-free” money to fund the universities, to fund the research hospitals, to fund academia, to fund all sorts of “grassroots“ NGO’s, non-profits and things like that. And to subvert our educational system, to do a huge spectrum of things which are all destroying the fabric of our societies. This was revealed and then it was, of course, very very quickly covered up, but you can read that book and you can really understand what’s going on. And there was also something called the Reece Committee, which it was the Reece Committee that investigated this, the Church Committee investigated the CIA putting operatives into the media into The New York Times and The Washington Post and all these other major media outlets.

Reiner Fuellmich: They’re probably still there.

LM: Of course they are, oh no “they still”, they ended the program, Reiner, they suspended it of course, ah ha.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah right

LM: Publicly, right. There’s something I can share, really quickly, because it’s really important to understand that there’s all of that and then for the last twenty years they’ve been really laying the groundwork for this moment.

Reiner Fuellmich: Hmm.

LM: And what they did was in the United States, in particular, they introduced after 9/11 they introduced the Patriot Act, which allowed warrant less, search and seizure, and mass surveillance of Americans and that was literally introduced and passed forty-five days after 9/11. That’s just impossible?

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah.

LM: Right, and then within a couple of weeks the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act Legislation was introduced and it’s been ratified in part, in whole or in part, by I think forty three states the last time I looked, and what that did was confer extraordinary police powers to health departments and governors in the event of a disease outbreak.

Reiner Fuellmich: And of course, once they have that power, they will never give it up again.

LM: Exactly and then in 2005 the Prep Act

Reiner Fuellmich:…yeah…

LM:…which conferred more power to the Secretary of Human Services and provided immunity from any kind of prosecution so legal and financial liability for vaccines, or any kind of medical product used during an emergency, and then you fast forward to 2012-2013 and 2016 and they legalised propagandizing American citizens, set up the program to do it, and funded it. So anything that you read or watch anywhere in the media could possibly be pure lies and subversion by our own intelligence agencies in order to manipulate and control the populace.

Reiner Fuellmich: You know the good thing is that it’s all coming out into the open now. All of it…

LM…very much…

Reiner Fuellmich:…all of it. Slowly but surely, but it’s picking up speed actually because the other side, in some ways, seems to be panicking. You mentioned when we talked last time that there is some evidence that this, not ours not the one that I was talking about, but their great reset has failed, or is failing in the United States, because some of the states just don’t play along anymore.

LM: First of all it’s actually quite hilarious, I read yesterday that, when I say it’s hilarious please do not misconstrue my meaning that people who have been injured or you know, God forbid, died from this that there is you know that I don’t have any heart or don’t care about them, I care about anybody who dies and anybody who is injured by a medical product, anyone who’s injured or sick (inaudible) I mean nobody wants that to happen and nobody wants people to be injured or to die from any reason, right? I wanna just be really clear on that because I think it’s so easy for these people to try and misconstrue those of us who care about our liberty.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yeah we know that.

LM: So what I find hilarious is that they are constantly pushing you know ringing the alarm bells about how frightened we should all be and pushing the vaccines, which have not been tested, which they suspended the clinical trials by unblinding the control groups and offering the control groups the vaccine two months after they were issued the emergency use authorisation. And what’s happens is that they’ve wanted, right they keep telling us, Fauci and Gates and all these people keep telling us that there will be no going back to normal until everyone’s vaccinated, and yet those who are vaccinated, like Fauci, are still wearing masks, but what happened what I read yesterday is that they have administered about two hundred, I think it was two hundred and four million doses of the vaccines since they were issued, and eighty four or eighty five million have received two doses, so they’re “fully vaccinated”, but all of these major vaccination centres are struggling because demand is petering out and they don’t know what to do. They’re having to figure out how to drum up more demand for them, and so think about that, if only eighty-four million people in America have bene fully vaccinated that’s about a quarter of our population.

Reiner Fuellmich: Uh huh.

LM: That really suggests to me that they are not in control of the narrative.

Reiner Fuellmich: Yes.

LM: That the other side is really struggling because, and that these super centres, super centre vaccination centres are having to figure out what to do because they’ve got too much vaccine and no demand for it. They are struggling and then you’ve got this just massive liberty movement in states across the nation and Governors who are now really starting to buck the narrative, and so I do really think that, I think one of the reasons why it’s appeared to be the hardest, one of the hardest hit countries, the United States is because this is a global take down of democracy…

Reiner Fuellmich:…yeah…

LM: …it’s a global coup. It’s an effort to destroy western civilisation and I’m sorry, I really believe this, and it’s not because it’s a conspiracy theory because Klaus Schwab has written a book about it…

Reiner Fuellmich:…yeah…

LM:…and this is what the World Economic Forum puts forth all the time, you know his book is COVID-19 The Great Reset. Anyway, the point is that I think one of the reasons why where’s been so much focus on the United States is precisely because the United States has this, was founded on the ideology and the principles of liberty, individual liberty, individual accountability…

Reiner Fuellmich:…yeah, they want to quash that…

LM: …and they have to destroy that if they want to succeed. I think that you know the socialist mentality is much stronger in Europe than it is in the US…

Reiner Fuellmich:…it probably is yeah…

LM:…and what’s happened is that they’ve poked us in the eye and now people are really really ready for the fight…

Reiner Fuellmich:…yeah…

LM:….so what we’ve done is you know what’s that, they’ve woken a sleeping bear I think is what’s happened.

Reiner Fuellmich: Which is good.

Vivienne: I have one question. Do you think that’s a realistic number this eighty-five million Americans vaccinated or could this also be like an exaggeration and it’s maybe only forty million or something like that, so that they are even like making up that figure?

Reiner Fuellmich: Who knows.

LM: it is very hard to say. That was reported in the mainstream media so it could be a complete lie. I find it surprising I think though that they would, it’s an embarrassing number…

Reiner Fuellmich:…yeah it is…

LM:…so I would be surprised you know, maybe it is forty million and they’re exaggerating because that would be embarrassing, but clearly it’s not what they were expecting.

Reiner Fuellmich: No, absolutely not. This is not part of their plan.

LM: So Reiner, can I just say you know everything that I’ve been talking about is the reason that I founded Health Freedom Defence Fund, and Health Freedom Defence Fund is focussed on, we’re first of all collaborating with Reiner and you guys and your whole team, and secondly we are focussed on pushing back against this agenda through litigation and education, so we are helping employees at the Los Angeles Unified School District to sue their school district for forcing the vaccine on them, and we have a mask mandate lawsuit that will be filed very soon, and we have some very big picture you know high level challenges that are in the works that will really go for the head of the serpent on this whole issue. I don’t want to  go into detail about them but I will just say around the, about a year and a half ago an amazing lawyer whom you know Reiner was brought into my life and I started educating him about the corruption and collusion, you know between the federal health agencies and the pharmaceutical industry and the whole vaccine issue and that vaccine makers can’t be sued and all this, and he was so so shocked by it all he became really inspired to do something about it, so he is my general counsel his name is George Wentz and he’s a partner at Davillier Law Group and he couldn’t be with us this morning, but I mean he I think a strategic and legal genius…

Reiner Fuellmich:…Yes I agree too…

LM:… and he’s my general counsel and so we are doing everything we can and collaborating with several different groups to help push back against what we face as a nation and a world.

Vivienne: You know I think it’s very interesting that we, you know looking at what we’ve already heard from all the lawyers involved here now, and from you, I think it really becomes clear that it must be some sort of agenda because it’s so strange that it’s happening in every country in exactly the same way, because if it was not like a coordinated thing, or at least to some extent orchestrated, then why would the judges in Germany, you know this whole legal the change of the legislation and all of that, why would this happen basically at the same time with almost the same agenda or like making it harder and harder for us to push legally against what’s happening, so I think it cannot be that this is just mere coincidence that it’s all over the world.

Reiner Fuellmich: Of course, it’s an agenda, there’s no doubt about it.

LM: Yeah, and to that point specifically Europe had the plans for a vaccine passport a year and a half before this pandemic happened.

Reiner Fuellmich: Ah ha.

LM: How is that possible that they had the plans for that? I mean if that wasn’t the case and in the United States they’ve been trying for decades, two decades at least, to push for mandatory vaccination of the populace, they’ve been trying everywhere, and they’re changing they’ve literally rammed things through, I mean it’s all coordinated.

Reiner Fuellmich: Okay, we now have to go and talk to our Austrian colleagues, who are waiting, but I’m really glad you’re on board, Leslie. This is good.

LM: Thank you so much.

Reiner Fuellmich: This is very encouraging.

LM: Can I just give my website too, it’s healthfreedomdefence.org so if anybody wants to learn more about what we’re doing or support our work please go to healthfreedomdefence.org, and thank you so much for having me on you guys.

Reiner Fuellmich: Thank you for being with us. We’ll put it up on our website too.

LM: It’s been a pleasure. Thank you so much for all you’re doing to try and help everybody and for what you’re doing for humanity.

Reiner Fuellmich: We can only do it together, and we will.

LM: Yeah.

Reiner Fuellmich: Okay Leslie. Talk to you later then.

LM: Okay.