Back when I worked for a paper, writers wanted scoops. Now - you know how it is now. The writer of this book probably paid with his life to tell this information. Things are the way they are because too few have been willing to behave with courage. Under this regime, heroes will just keep on getting silenced and it will be our fault for allowing it. This system abuses the good and children and everyone else for that matter.
I see no reason whatsoever to cling to a life where I’m being forced to enable a genocidal global media mind control cult - OR ELSE.
Once they’re chasing you around like Neo in the Matrix, a person has 0 interest in complying. Standing up for what’s right may be a more interesting life than the one you’re living now. Living in fear isn’t living anyway.
Udine Ulfkotte continues:
When do we really feel well-informed? When we know that Angela Merkel chews on her fingernails? That may be true, but is this information really important?
Angela Merkel
Do we have to know that the former Minister-president of Saxony, Kurt Biedenkopf, likes to play with a toy train? And that the former head of Deutsche Bank, Hilmar Kopper, "collects the wispy pieces of paper that they used to wrap around oranges for transport to identify their place of origin?"
Hilmar Kopper
He irons them out and then glues them in an album. In our modern information society, there are endless streams of news. It is important to sort your information... and to know what you can believe. Before, the "quality media," public broadcasting stations, newspapers of record and the radio used to do this for us.
Everything is different today. The actress Hildegard Knef once said to me, "It is unbelievable how much the media can lie. I don't even know what I should believe any more."
We met in August 1997, at the Bremen-based talk show III nach Neun (Three after Nine). We drank a glass of wine after the show in a local hotel. Indignantly, Hildegard Knef related the liberties journalists had taken in reporting about her life. She said, "Only one thing is true about journalists: they are in the business of lying."
A few months before that and nearly 5600 kilometers away from Bremen, I heard something similar while I was on a trip in Ethiopia. This time I was talking with Karlheinz Böhm, the actor who played Emperor Franz Joseph at Romy Schneider's side in the "Sissi" film trilogy about Empress Elisabeth of Austria.
I visited him in the highlands of Ethiopia. Hildegard Knef and Karlheinz Böhm – two legends of the German cinema – no longer trust the German media.
This gave me a lot to think about. After all, "Thou shalt not bear false witness," was one of the highest moral commandments at one time.
Alas, now we consider journalists to be the greatest liars out there. Udo Lindenberg, a German rock music legend, didn't have the best opinion of the media either. We had a chance to discuss this in a television studio's greenroom.
Likewise the journalist Peter Scholl-Latour, whom I met many times in war zones around the world since the late 80s. He liked to paraphrase Hiram Johnson's old adage saying, "The first thing that falls by the wayside in war is the truth."
Peter Scholl-Latour
When I was younger, these comments by Hildegard Knef, Karlheinz Böhm, Udo Lindenberg and Peter Scholl-Latour seemed like conspiracy theories to me.
Are they really? Later on, I started to hear things like this more frequently, for example, from my friend, Professor Wilhelm Hankel, a man who always seemed like a father to me. He was the man who developed the German treasury bills.
What bothered him the most was that our media were becoming increasingly uncritical, frequently distributing biased propaganda, and the information they offered was completely generic and unoriginal.
So, how can you as the reader be certain that the following information I provide isn't just fiction too? First of all, I specify names, companies, times and places. I have also included hundreds of footnotes with additional sources.
If even just a tiny piece of this information is wrong, I will be sued. Secondly, I can boast of a journalistic accolade that you only get if you most definitely have been telling the truth: My house has been searched more than once for suspicion of having betrayed state secrets.
They don't barge into your house if you're a liar.
You only get them when you reveal something that the public isn't supposed to find out about.
I am probably, unfortunately, the German author whose house has been searched the most times for just doing his job.
However, you can think of it this way: Each time, the state was simply adding another feather to my cap of honest reporting.
One more important note before we get started: In the following chapters, I often speak of "these" journalists. Please keep in mind that this definitely does not include the many respectable and serious, poorly paid and hard-working, freelance or salaried editors who want to promote the ideals and values of a free press and do so with great commitment.
The ones who incessantly reveal abuses through impeccable research and want to provide truthful reporting. Despite their great dedication, they will eventually lose their jobs too.
This book is about those journalists who float on a level above us, removed from the common folk, and make common cause with the elites, sometimes corrupt and allowing themselves to be bribed for their courtesy reporting.
But that's enough of an introduction. Let's find out how this manipulation works in the real world.
Chapter 1.
Fake Freedom of the Press:
My Life as a Reporter Everyone named in this book denies having close, intimate contacts to elite organizations. Moreover, they deny being lobbyists. They also deny being "corrupted" by their proximity to the elite. And, they deny having lost their journalistic edge, working as they do in such close proximity to the aforementioned groups.
They deny that this proximity has any influence on their reporting.
The Truth – A Journalist Exclusive? How can it be that our mainstream media celebrate the European Union and the euro currency as a project for the future, even though millions of people throughout Europe are critical of the EU and the euro?
Jean-Claude Juncker, longtime head of Luxembourg's government and the current President of the European Commission, tells us how this works:
"We decide on something, put it out there and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, no rioting in the streets, since most people haven't a clue what's been decided, we continue, step by step, until there is no turning back."
Why does our mainstream media cheer on these politicians instead of denouncing them? The answer: They're working together. They stick to these elites.
How can it be that our mainstream media is always demanding that German soldiers should be sent on new military adventures in foreign countries, even though the majority of the population is clearly against this?
The answer: Our alpha journalists are nothing more than the long arm of the NATO press office. We will also go into great detail to prove this in this book. How can it be that our mainstream media continues to celebrate mass immigration from all over the world as "enrichment," even though the majority of Germans would rather close the borders to certain migrants today rather than tomorrow?
The answer: Industry and the financial elite want it this way, because a massive influx of cheap labor serves their interests. This list of piercing questions could go on forever. However, the most important question behind all of it is:
Who is really governing Europe? It surely isn't the citizens of the EU, because what's going on in Europe has little to do with democracy. It is more of an illusion of democracy, a well- crafted illusion.
Still, if the citizens aren't in charge, then who is? Could it be a group of opinion makers, a group of the most important and influential heavyweights from industry, finance and politics who are pulling the strings behind the scenes and controlling our thinking through the mainstream media?
That sounds like a conspiracy theory, but you can find astonishing statements to this effect, even in the big newspapers, and they will make you think twice. The Frankfurter Rundschau (FR), for example, reported that the euro can be traced back to the secretive, elite network of the Bilderberg Group.
This statement, which according to the FR was confirmed by one of the Bilderberg Group's own honorary chairmen, is just one of many examples that hint at how elite networks are obviously orchestrating our lives from the shadows.
Later, in its own chapter, we will use the euro as an example of how this network uses propaganda to impose the interests of the political and the financial elite – against the will of the people.
Nevertheless, this wouldn't be possible without control over the flow of information – and this flow is influenced by a small number of opinion makers.