Elvis’ 50 song list.

We’re going through this list to see what songs make the top of Elvis Costello’s list lately. Many of his tunes have been quite prophetic. This list is showing that.
We’re up to “Night Rally”.

I’m really excited about the Spanish Model album coming out, which I hear will be the album This Year’s Model in Spanish. I practically wore out my CD of This Year’s Model back in 2000 when I had holed myself up in a darkroom and I’m lucky I survived all those chemicals. I was working with a camera like the one shown on the video below. Now we’re up against different set of chemicals of a Night Rally sort.

Real cameras were cool. I miss them.

Real cameras were cool. I miss them.

"Night Rally"

I would send out for assistance but there's someone on the signal wire
And the corporation logo is flashing on and off in the sky
They're putting all your names in the forbidden book
I know what they're doing but I don't want to look
You think they're so dumb, you think they're so funny
Wait until they've got you running to the
Night rally, night rally, night rally

Everybody's singing with their hand on their heart
About deeds done in the darkest hours
That's just the sort of catchy little melody
To get you singing in the showers

Oh, I know that I'm ungrateful
I've got it lying on a plate
And I'm not buying my share of souvenirs
You can stand to attention
You can pray to your uncle
Only get that chicken out of here
Everyone gets armbands and 3-D glasses
Some are in the back room
And they're taking those night classes

You think they're so dumb, you think they're so funny
Wait until they've got you running to the
Night rally, night rally, night rally