Illegal behavior is not okay just because individuals who have insinuated themselves into government are doing it. Sooner or later, they’re probably going to face consequences. Individuals in government should be held to a higher standard - not a much lower one. Tolerating such massive abuse of authority for decades is what has led to the massive abuses of authority that we have been enduring lately. If everyone who cares about our future starting calling out fraud and crime, WE’D SEE CHANGES. Who is lying? Is the ones who cannot keep their story straight. The truth is congruent.
Lying to the public is fraud and anyone doing this is opening themselves up to legal action by pretty much anyone. The public has rights - especially when it comes to “public servants”.
Christopher Hitchens shares public documents about the “hit” ordered on a Chilean General named René Schneider.
The war crimes trial is happening here right now.
You are the jury and you decide what the future will hold.
3. After the most careful consideration it was determined that a Viaux coup attempt carried out by him alone with the forces now at his disposal would fail. Thus, it would be counterproductive to our [deleted; handwritten insert "Track Two"] objectives. It was decided that [deleted; handwritten insert “CIA"] get a message to Viaux warning him against precipitate action. In essence our message is to state, “We have reviewed your plans, and based on your information and ours, we come to the conclusion that your plans for a coup at this time cannot succeed. Failing, they may reduce your capabilities for the future. Preserve your assets. We will stay in touch. The time will come when you together with all your other friends can do something. You will continue to have our support." You are requested to deliver the message to Viaux essentially as noted above. Our objectives are as follows:
General René Schneider
(A) To advise him of our opinion and discourage him from acting alone;
(B) Continue to encourage him to amplify his planning;
(C) Encourage him to join forces with other coup planners so that they may act in concert either before or after 24 October. (N.B. Six gas masks and six CS cannisters [sic] are being carried to Santiago by special [deleted] courier ETD Washington 1100 hours 16 October.)
These tactics are dedicated to Lucifer, whom the author identifies as the ruler of this world. This is the OBVIOUSLY the playbook of the not-so-hidden-hand directing “major media”.
4. There is great and continuing interest in the activities of Tirado, Canales, Valenzuela et al and we wish them maximum good fortune.
Slaughters keep happening.
5. The above is your operating guidance. No other policy guidance you may receive from [indecipherable: State?] or its maximum exponent in Santiago, on his return, are to sway you from your course.
6. Please review all your present and possibly new activities to include propaganda, black operations, surfacing of intelligence or disinformation, personal contacts, or anything else your imagination can conjure which will permit you to press forward our [deleted] objective in a secure manner.
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom --Lucifer. --SAUL ALINSKY
Finally, it is essential to read the White House "memorandum of conversation," dated 15 October 1970, to which the above cable directly refers and of which it is a more honest summary.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
Present for the "high USG level" meeting were, as noted in the heading: "Dr. Kissinger, Mr. Karamessines, Gen. Haig." The first paragraph of their deliberations has been entirely blacked out, with not so much as a scribble in the margin from the redaction service. (Given what has since been admitted, this twenty-line deletion must be well worth reading.)
Saul Alinsky tactics are thrown
at us but they can be thrown right back - greatly amplified - because we are the majority.
Picking up at paragraph two, we find the following:
2. Then Mr. Karamessines provided a run-down on Viaux, the Canales meeting with Tirado, the latter's new position [after Porta was relieved of command “for health reasons"] and, in some detail, the general situation in Chile from the coup possibility viewpoint.
The despair is there; now it's up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change.
Saul D. Alinsky
3. A certain amount of information was available to us concerning Viaux's alleged support throughout the Chilean military. We had assessed Viaux's claims carefully, basing our analysis on good intelligence from a number of sources. Our conclusion was clear: Viaux did not have more than one chance in twenty-perhaps less-to launch a successful coup.
The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York probably wouldn’t have happened if we the people had been more vigilant about foreign infiltration and treason in OUR government.
4. The unfortunate repercussions, in Chile and internationally, of an unsuccessful coup were discussed. Dr. Kissinger ticked off his list of these negative possibilities. His items were remarkably similar to the ones Mr. Karamessines had prepared.
From Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals:
• Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.
• Never go outside the expertise of your people.
• Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.
• Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
• Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
• A good tactic is one your people enjoy.
• A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
• Keep the pressure on. Never let up.
• The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
• The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
• If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.
• The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
• Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
5. It was decided by those present that the Agency must get a message to Viaux warning him against any precipitate action. In essence our message was to state: "We have reviewed your plans, and based on your information and ours, we come to the conclusion that your plans for a coup at this time cannot succeed. Failing, they may reduce your capabilities for the future. Preserve your assets. We will stay in touch. The time will come when you with all your other friends can do something. You will continue to have our support."
The link is here.
6. After the decision to defuse the Viaux coup plot, at least temporarily, Dr. Kissinger instructed Mr. Karamessines to preserve Agency assets in Chile, working clandestinely and securely to maintain the capability for Agency operations against Allende in the future.
Hillary Clinton’s college senior thesis about Alinsky is here.
7. Dr. Kissinger discussed his desire that the word of our encouragement to the Chilean military in recent weeks be kept as secret as possible. Mr Karamessines stated emphatically that we had been doing everything possible in this connection, including the use of false flag officers, car meetings and every conceivable precaution.
False flag - an attack or other hostile action that obscures the identity of the participants carrying out the action while implicating another group or nation as the perpetrator (often used attributively): Evidence suggests that the covert operation was a false flag. The false flag terrorist attack lured the military into a hasty response.
But we and others had done a great deal of talking recently with a number of persons. For example, Ambassador Korry's wideranging discussions with numerous people urging a coup "cannot be put back into the bottle". [Three lines of deletion follow.] (Dr. Kissinger requested that copy of the message be sent to him on 16 October.)
8. The meeting concluded on Dr. Kissinger's note that the Agency should continue keeping the pressure on every Allende weak spot in sight: - now, after the 24th of October, after 5 November, and into the future until such time as new marching orders are given. Mr. Karamessines stated that the Agency would comply.
They finally got their coup on 9/11/73.