Every time I ever left the U.S. people would be so enraged about “American” foreign policy that I would have to just stand there while people tried to force me to understand the horrible things that are being done in our name. What could I do about it?
Obviously at some point the controlled media stopped telling the American people about the atrocities being done in our name so our complaints wouldn’t slow down those atrocities from happening.
All warfare is based on deception. (Sun Tzu)
Christopher Hitchens was trying to warn us about the fury that was being created and harnessed towards us without us even knowing what was going on. We’ve been under media mind control and I’m showing you the origins of this situation. Now the freedoms of the world’s populations are being robbed and economies are being destroyed all because of a massive media operation - because of state sponsored psychological warfare.
The origin of this mind control media operation is fairly obvious. (It’s an element in the group that’s been running “covert operations” as recounted in this book.) And now they have injections for each of us that they really, really want to force into our bodies.
They’re putting their whole machinery - everything they’ve got - into trying to make this injection sound impossible to avoid.
This injection is from a group who have repeatedly been exposed for doing horrific trauma science experiments on humans - look up MK Ultra. From a group that employs torture. From a group that lies so much that I expect the opposite of what they say to be the truth, most of the time.
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Sun Tzu
If a few individuals want to stand in the way of the entire world’s health and future, it will be very interesting to see if a few people can hold the world back because they have all of that ill gotten money behind them.
THEN ANYONE WHO COMPLAINS GETS CALLED A NAZI - which we have all been programmed is the worst thing a person could ever be. Agents have been trying to provoke me into looking racist for years. YouTube recently took down one of my videos for “hate speech” when it was just a comical warning to my fellow humans. I’m mixed race from a Sephardic lineage yet they try and try.
It’s their last card, my friends. It’s all they have in this mind control war they’ve been throwing at us for so long. If I see them trying to force something into my consciousness, I don’t look and I don’t listen. Freedom starts in the mind.
My project probably wouldn’t even involve espionage right now if I hadn’t gotten swarmed by spies back in 2018 once I helped expose that obvious blackmail operation targeting Yale students.
Christopher Hitchens continues about the “hit” on General René Schneider - a man standing in the way of cabal control of his country, Chile.
Let the documents tell the story. A CIA cable to Kissinger's Track Two group from Santiago dated 18 October 1970 reads (with the names still blacked out for "security" purposes and cover identities written in by hand-in my square brackets-by the ever-thoughtful redaction service):
Notice the date: 9/11/01.
The link is here.
1. [Station cooptee] met clandestinely evening 17 Oct with [two Chilean armed forces officers] who told him their plans were moving along better than had thought possible. They asked that by evening 18 Oct [cooptee] arrange furnish them with eight to ten tear gas grenades. Within 48 hours they three 45 calibre machine guns (“grease ed guns") with 500 rounds ammo each. [One officer] commented has three machine guns himself but can be identified by serial numbers as having been issued to him therefore unable use them.
2. [Officers] said they have to move because they believe they now under suspicion and being watched by Allende supporters. [One officer] was late to meeting having taken evasive action to shake possible surveillance by one or two taxi cabs with dual antennas which he believed being used by opposition against him.
3. [Cooptee] asked if [officers] had Air Force contacts. They answered they did not but would welcome one. [Cooptee] separately has since tried contact [a Chilean Air Force General] and will keep trying until established. Will urge [Air Force General] meet with [other two officers] a.s.a.p. [Cooptee] commented to station that [Air Force General] has not tried contact him since ref a talk.
4. [Cooptee] comment: cannot tell who is leader of this movement but strongly suspects it is Admiral [Deleted]. It would appear from [his contact's] actions and alleged Allende suspicions about them that unless they act now they are lost. Trying get more info from them evening 18 Oct about support they believe they have.
The General surrendered to death.
5. Station plans give six tear gas grenades (arriving noon 18 Oct by special courier) to [cooptee] for delivery to [armed forces officers] instead of having [false flag officer] deliver them to Viaux group. Our reasoning is that [cooptee] dealing with active duty officers. Also [false flag officer] leaving evening 18 Oct and will not be replaced but [cooptee] will stay here. Hence important that [cooptee] credibility with [armed forces officers] be strengthened by prompt delivery what they requesting. Request headquarters agreement by 1500 hours local time 18 Oct on decision delivery of tear gas to [cooptee] vice [false flag officer].
6. Request prompt shipment three sterile 45 calibre machine guns and ammo per para 1 above, by special courier if necessary. Please confirm by 2000 hours local time 18 Oct that this can be done so [cooptee] may inform his contacts accordingly. The reply, which is headed "IMMEDIATE SANTIAGO (EYES ONLY [DELETED])" is dated 18 October and reads: Sub-machine guns and ammo being sent by regular [deleted] courier leaving Washington 0700 hours 19 October due arrive Santiago late evening 20 October or early morning 21 October. Preferred use regular [deleted] courier to avoid bringing undue attention to op.
A companion message, also addressed to "Santiago 562," went like this:
1. Depending how [cooptee] conversation goes evening 18 October you may wish submit Intel report [deleted] so we can decide whether should be dissemed [?].
Allan Leslie Cooper Allan - five hundred and forty-one days in prison as an accessory to this same crime of simple kidnapping.
2. New subject. If [cooptee] plans lead coup, or be actively and publicly involved, we puzzled why it should bother him if machine guns can be traced to him. Can we develop rationale on why guns must be sterile? Will continue make effort provide them but find our credulity stretched by Navy [officer] leading his troops with sterile guns? What is special purpose for these guns? We will try send them whether you can provide explanation or not. The full beauty of this cable traffic cannot be appreciated without a reading of another message, dated 16 October. (It must be borne in mind that the Chilean Congress was to meet to confirm Allende as president on the 24th of that month.)
1. [Deleted/handwritten code name Trick-turn] policy, objectives and actions were reviewed at high USG [United States Government] level afternoon 15 October. Conclusions, which are to be your operational guide, follow:
Pinochet and Kissinger
2. It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup. It would be much preferable to have this transpire prior to 24 October but efforts in this regard will continue vigorously beyond this date. We are to continue to generate maximum pressure toward this end utilizing every appropriate resource. It is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that the USG and American hand be well hidden. [italics added] While this imposes on us a high degree of selectivity in making military contacts and dictates that these contacts be made in the most secure manner it definitely does not preclude contacts such as reported in Santiago 544 which was a masterful piece of work.