I’m always discussing Napoleon, in part, because I want the public to have the secrets of great leadership.

Napoleon loved to share his knowledge and he was a great communicator.

Read, and re-read the campaigns of Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, Turenne, Prince Eu- gene, and of Frederick the Great; model yourself after them; that is the only means of becoming a great captain and of surpris-

Read, and re-read the campaigns of Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, Turenne, Prince Eu- gene, and of Frederick the Great; model yourself after them; that is the only means of becoming a great captain and of surpris-

ing the secrets of the art of war. Your genius enlightened by this study, you will then reject every maxim contradictory to those of these great men.

ing the secrets of the art of war. Your genius enlightened by this study, you will then reject every maxim contradictory to those of these great men.

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