The link is here.
My wife and I were introduced to Ghislaine Maxwell by Sir Evelyn and Lady Lynne de Rothschild, and we subsequently met her on several occasions – generally in the presence of - prominent people such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nobel Prize-winning scientists, presidents of universities, and prominent academic and business people. We never saw her do anything inappropriate. We knew her only as Jeffrey Epstein's thirty-something girlfriend.
I was talking about the NXIVM operation in 2018 and then a lot of agents came for me. When I refused their pressure to join the fake populist Q movement, my Wikipedia entry disappeared and my numbers plummeted all over the internet. Who has that kind of power? Who would want me to discredit myself by joining a media maligned child abuse coverup movement like Q?
(They were trying to make people concerned about severe abuse and the American loss of rights and freedom look like fringe insane terrorists in the eyes of the public.)
Whoever was behind the blacklisting of my name, it seemed like they had all the money and influence in the world.
I believe I know the origin of my blacklisting. I also believe I know who ordered the murder of Napoleon.
The truth will prevail.