The image below shows what they pushed on me and my viewers just now. Who would possibly get a favorable view of Elon Musk from having YouTube force him on them when we really wanted to watch a live rainbow?
If our opponents want to engender antipathy for their obvious front people - this is how to get it done. It’s so Orwellian and it does nothing but backfire. How stupid do they think we are?
And this is happening while this same exact group has cornered us into house arrest and is pressuring us into taking their mystery virus chemicals “for our own good - or else”.
If I were running a massive scam, I would find it unwise to constantly aggravate and abuse the population of the entire world.
How this plays out is up to you and me. We have a global lawsuit against this group which has monopolized the world’s resources and I’m constantly thinking about it. I show copious amounts of evidence in this space every single day about exactly who is flagrantly abusing us. Want your life and freedom back? I’m showing the way.
Is someone pulling the strings on YouTube AND Mr. Elon Musk?
Could it be the same ones who harass me about revealing truth concerning Napoleon and NXIVM?
Is all plausible deniability about what’s really going on completely exhausted?
This is what they want you to not watch but why?
Have I convinced you yet about who is really pulling the strings at YouTube?