A love of nature and a not so hidden desire to slaughter humanity.


Prince Philip. Duke of Edinburgh husband of Queen Elizabeth II. born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark; 10 June 1921

patron of some 800 organizations

UK President of the World Wildlife Fund from 1961 to 1982

“I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduces in numbers that it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feeling towards the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist.. I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus..." From Fleur Cowles, People as Animals, Foreword by HRH Prince Phillip (UK Robin Clark Ltd. 1986)

The media demands that we take medical orders from a group who owns them, a group who has repeatedly openly stated that it is their goal to wipe us out - for the sake of “nature”.A group which has blacklisted me for teaching truth, art and history.

The media demands that we take medical orders from a group who owns them, a group who has repeatedly openly stated that it is their goal to wipe us out - for the sake of “nature”.

A group which has blacklisted me for teaching truth, art and history.

What kind of people think if they keep pushing genocide for the sake of nature, we’ll go along with it? My first thought is always, “okay - you first.”As if that group is so soft and tender when it comes to nature and animals!

What kind of people think if they keep pushing genocide for the sake of nature, we’ll go along with it? My first thought is always, “okay - you first.”

As if that group is so soft and tender when it comes to nature and animals!