In order to make this content available in as many languages as possible I’m now translating Hortense’s letters under each page of the original French below into English. Use the google translate tool if you like.
One of the main controversies between Napoleon and Hortense plays out in the letter below. Hortense frustrated Napoleon somewhat but he respected how she put her sons before him. Hortense believed that putting her sons first served Napoleon’s ultimate best interest. Napoleon was extremely focused on creating a succession for his system through his heirs. As Napoleon’s son was captured quickly in 1814 by his enemies with the help of his mother Marie Louise, it was left to Hortense to preserve Napoleon’s legacy.
While Hortense was trying to keep her sons in France and their chances for the future, her husband Louis was threatening to take them from her. Hortense has been reproached for not doing enough for Napoleon during his stay at Elba - by Napoleon himself - but one sees the impossibility of her situation. To serve Napoleon’s higher interests, she had to save her sons.