Then a follower of that guru killed himself and still the platforms continued to support that guru and give me a hard time. Now that guru - who has no obvious source of income and lots of dependents - has filed his second frivolous lawsuit against me. Why? Because I have been telling MY STORY honestly. Why am I so honest? Because I am that way and my credibility is on the line with every single word I publish.
We are at a point where the exposed group will only be exposing itself more and more as they desperately try to throw out lies and tricks to obscure a reality about themselves that is totally completely unacceptable. Their system only works for them as long as the rest of us are a bunch of total dupes.
Connect those dots, my friends.
The link is here
I don’t discuss my spiritual journey publicly because everyone has been programmed to think that what I’m going through sounds totally crazy.
One of the ideas behind this project was the question about whether I would destroy myself or do better if I turned totally generous. If I gave everything I could away, would I end up richer or poorer?
Fighting international organized crime openly is part of that question. Either they will finally succeed in killing me or I will end up better off. The result of this project involves every one of you - friend and foe. Since I have been doing this experiment for 6.5 years, I can say with certainly that YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE.