The livestream below somehow doesn’t frequently get taken down and it’s quite beautiful.

My streams go down daily lately though. What’s the difference between my streams and those of others? Is it perhaps that I am truthful here on this blog? If so, that would be harassment of my first amendment right to free speech and freedom of religion. Who benefits from bullying an honest person?
If you think I’m being bullied by someone or some group hiding behind one of the wealthiest companies in the world, would you possibly consider letting them know how it makes you feel to see me being constantly harassed because I am standing up for the best interests of humanity? I feel that my obvious constant harassment and clear bullying has a detrimental effect on culture. When I am harassed, it probably inhibits creativity in others and that harms us all. My streams are back up on the side bar at the time of this writing. How many times will they go down today? Will I even be able to put them back up? We’ll see.

I believe that computers are presently being used to forcefully shove lies down our throats and that we should resist that as vigorously as we can. If I’m right, we are facing one of the biggest mass frauds of all time. Do you agree?