A conspiracy against the people assassinated Caesar. Why are there so many conspiracies throughout history against us regular humans? What is animating this pattern throughout the centuries?
Napoleon is basically saying with this story that when he had been Caesar in a past life, he stood up for God (Jupiter) and that devil worshippers (Lupercalians) assassinated him because he was benefiting humanity. Napoleon is drawing the parallel between his imminent death forced upon him by a dark spirited faction and the death of Caesar at the hands of similar types.
This is what Napoleon - in his last moments - wanted his son to know.
Napoleon’s son was essentially prisoner in the palace of the Hapsburgs while his mother left with an obvious handier named Neipperg so they could live together in Italy - as Napoleon was being slowly murdered. Marie Louise was made figurehead of a few duchies in return for playing her part.
No one was surprised when Napoleon’s son didn’t manage to make it to age 22. Many young people in Napoleon’s family were also clearly murdered or their early deaths were in some way engineered.
This unfortunate boy was Napoleon’s son, Napoleon François. He was renamed “Franz” when he got to Austria.
Since the truth about Napoleon is still repressed, that suggests that the faction that murdered Napoleon are in power wherever Napoleon’s story is still suppressed.