The whole thing is a show and they repeatedly tried forcing or tricking me into playing a fake fascist populist leader.

I’ve been working to prove this beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt since 2018.

That means that a fake fascist populist movement is very central to that script of theirs.

Doesn’t it make you wonder about the truth regarding Adolf Hitler? Was he an actor? Was he in on it? Was he getting tricked into playing that role? Was brainwashing involved? Just look at how much that character “won” for the faction who continually torment us. Who benefited? Who had the money to fund that big lie and that big show full of expensive highly designed and produced rallies. There must have been an army of event planners and publicists at work there. Who is always starring these days in big highly funded rallies? Who pays for these rallies? Whom did they frequently push me into supporting?