How to tell the difference between good and bad spirits.

Sometimes I look at the words of Allan Kardec in The Spirit’s Book to see if his conclusions about spirits are consistent with my experiences. Kardec studied mediumship and tried to understand and form conclusions about channeling in a methodical manner. My mission involves a lot of listening to one particular spirit and basically doing what I’m told to do. But am I Iistening to the right side? I find the words below to be accurate.

It is easy to distinguish between good and bad spirits. The language of spirits of superor elevation constantly dignified, noble, characterised by the highest morality, free from every trace of earthly passion, the counsels breathe the purest wisdom, and always have our improvement and the good of mankind for their aim. The communications of spirts of lower degree, on the contrary are full of discrepancies, and their language is often commonplace, and even coarse If they sometmes say things that are good and true, they more often make false and absurd statements, prompted by ignorance or malice. They play upon the credulity of those who interrogate them, amusing themselves by flattering their vanity, and fooling them with false hopes.

In a word instructive communications worthy of the name are only to be obtained in centres of a serous character, whose members are united, by an intimate communion of thought and desire, in the pursuit of truth and goodness.

The moral teaching of the higher spirts may be summed up, like that of Christ, in the gospel maxim, 'Do unto others as you would that others should do unto you,' that is to say, do good to all, and wrong no one.

This principle of action furnishes mankind with a rule of conduct of universal application, from the smallest matters to the greatest.