As we all know, my numbers plummeted and my Wikipedia and my project became “officially invisible” around the time I wouldn’t be pressured into shilling for Trump after I helped expose that politicians were recruiting Yale students into a sex cult associated with the sexual abuse of children.
I can see why the best move of the “establishment” was to pretend that nothing being said here actually exists or is happening.
Pretend it doesn’t exist - no need to answer any questions. Makes sense if you look at it from their perspective. What’s the point of spending all that money to control the media if the controlled media can’t be used to get one’s own way constantly?
I suspected - back when they put me in the no-no zone - that this faction was determined to frame me or blacken my name in order to discredit the true things I was saying. Then I started getting chased around the internet by a German disinformation agent constantly trying to bait me into arguments about Napoleon. I’ve also been sued TWICE by another obvious agent.
That’s when I realized if they couldn’t get me to fall into their traps that they were going to have to escalate their attacks against Napoleon himself. They can’t pretend he never existed? Right?
Of course this happened. Now anyone can see the results of all of their work.
BUT now they are showing that just the IDEA of Napoleon is a massive threat to the puppet masters of today.
They could not have worked harder or been more desperate to discredit every single thing associated with the video below. I’m now a hundred percent convinced THIS IS WHAT THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW.
"If you're not careful,
the newspapers
will have you hating
the people who are
being oppressed,
and loving the people
who are doing
the oppressing.”
- Attributed to Malcolm X.
They just can’t resist gloating and this is how they expose themselves. Yes, it really was their gold and their lying media and their spies and infiltrators that brought down Napoleon. Are we going to learn from Napoleon’s mistakes? All Napoleon needed to continue to help people was support and unity. That’s all.
I can prove the truth all day every day while they all stand there together pretending so hard the truth is invisible.
While they continue to trick the tv hypnosis victims to be terrified of the air and other people.
They have frequently in the past preyed on human weakness and addictions and today is no different. We need to become very strong and very vigilant.
"To learn who
rules over you,
simply find out
who you are
not allowed
to criticize."