She’s been in my rear view mirror for years by now, she shouldn’t be that hard to spot. What she does is - legally speaking - total complete treason. My gut tells me she’s in reality a Frankist infiltrator. Who is her ultimate paymaster? Is it the ones who control that money machine that allows them to bribe so many all over the world? What would the world be if her ultimate paymasters lost that money machine? Would we finally be free?
Those of us who actually care about our countries have an enormous interest in seeing that just laws start getting enforced. Most of the fundamental laws that we have written down are good. There just needs to be enough pressure applied to see that the role of law is finally established in a real way.
Watching that Q agent morph into a copy of me is the creepiest thing ever. See if you can identify her.
I do doubt their intelligence because if they were actually smart, they would’ve gotten this agent out of my site a long time ago.
They are only exposing their rampant criminality.
Is my constant attention from agents something to do with the fact that justice has not been applied in the case of Henry Kissinger? Learn about SOME of the outrageous crimes that the judiciary just cannot “see” here.
And justice for all. Seriously.
Real law enforcement is a great way to ward off a group of criminals who work in cahoots with each other.
What can each of us do to work for the establishment of law enforcement against criminals?
We can constantly constantly apply pressure to those who are refusing to do their jobs.
We need to turn it right side up again.