Does even a fragment of their humanity remain? The ones who war on humanity, the anything for money crowd, can they understand the importance of saving their souls? May they see the Light as well.
I had all these people banging pots and yelling for months outside my house (at their houses) and one night there were a lot of them all together and they were were screaming literally like a bunch of demons one Saturday night. Was that supposed to scare me or were they doing some kind of ritual? Or is that just what they do?
Then the main one (from England, it just so happens) who was clearly being paid to push this nonsense in my vicinity - to intimidate me and interfere with my Napoleon readings - ran off when I kept telling him on this blog that I knew he helped do 911. How did I know? Because all of the people after me did 911. Who else would be that evil? The answer is no one else would be that evil. Only the ones who did 911 would attack me constantly and relentlessly for what I do.
I merely try to help people with the meager resources at my disposal. I also try to help people understand exactly who really murdered Napoleon and how murdering people is just simply what they do. It’s what’s backing the money system. Their money system. This is simply the reality that we are constantly being brainwashed NOT to see.
The media got their 911 script but they failed to get their coordination just right.
What is going on? Can they ever come back? Why are they all running for me letting everyone know they did 911? Does that group want everyone to know?
How so many can be working FOR a bioterrorism campaign is absurd. Don’t they realize what they reap is what they will sow?