I’ll back you up if you want to issue currency against “store credit” of what you can offer. October 9, 2021 I have an alternative money system set up and ready to go, reach me at therealtanster@gmail.comLearn more here. Do a non fiat currency transaction against “store credit” of what you can offer.I’ll back it up with my art or expertise.Let me know about it for my feedback page and I’ll throw you a 15mm sapphire in your choice of color. Set to your preference. A non fiat money transaction is a transaction that excludes the use of central banker money.It can utilize barter, digital backed securities aka “Tansters” or it can utilize my T Sapphire Stones as a financial instrument. If you will help me issue money through my art project, then I will lavish you with T Sapphires that are extremely likely to appreciate.Each will have a story and they are a relic of this world changing art project. Create a money system that works in your community and allow me to support it.Back your “store credit” based digital or physical currency with my T Sapphires and digital currency.The system runs on transparency and our collective willingness to redeem this community currency. It is a free charity based money. Each T Stone comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and a list of Rights:Currency holders may demand and get free of charge:A replacement.Change of color or an exchange for something of equal value.A repair.A change in setting.Once they have enough stones, they can get those stones turned into a bracelet or necklace or buttons free of charge. This is a money of generosity, abundance and FREEDOM. Learn more