The current psychological operation being pushed does seem to hold many under its spell. This has been the case with each and every psychological operation I have tried to expose since I started confronting mind control hypnosis projects in 2017.
I have attempted to break through that fog by examining psychological operations of yesterday that probably do not have such deep hooks clenched into the public mind.
This is why I keep showing that the present psychological operation is a replay of other ones that seem now like deadly warm up acts.
Below is a description of a book most of us will find unfamiliar. Please examine how the themes and the players do not change. I can’t change the players and their extensive dark agendas but hopefully I can help some people care about the truth and reality. The truth will set you free - if you are willing to see it.
Every psyop works by tricking the unthinking into “thinking” that it is moral to comply with the agenda of the psyop operators.
The least moral are determining what is “moral” for the unthinking.
Who is crafting these deadly international psychological operations? Simply follow that money. It’s up to you what you are willing to tolerate. It’s not as if we have anything left to lose. I’ve chosen a Godly path and to fight with everything that I have. At this point, saving my soul comes first.
We are everywhere and blackmailers can be easily blackmailed. This surveillance state works both ways and it easily exposes rampant criminality. You will know what to do.
T Cells needs to surround the pathogen and invite it to leave for the health of the organism. That’s how healing works.
This is a strange kind of world war and it requires creative and innovative solutions. We can learn and grow. I don’t honestly believe they can. Adapt strategies? That they can do. Learn and grow? I’ve never seen them pull that trick once in all my days.
The link is here.
When an unscrupulous agent tried guilting me into supporting Trump because of the “pedophiles”, I could hardly believe the government was paying her to try that move on me.
I strongly suspect that it was the “pedophiles” who saddled me with this agent.
Bruce Nussbaum
Good Intentions:
How Big Business and the Medical Establishment Are Corrupting the Fight Against AIDS
Good Intentions is a tale of vaulting ambition, greed, and hubris set against the tragic backdrop of AIDS.
Bruce Nussbaum takes us behind the scenes to reveal how America's top scientists are at the center of a triangle of power. He shows how the National Institute of Health allied with the drug company Burroughs Wellcome, secretly helped by the FDA, to steamroll a thirty-year-old drug, AZT, into becoming the only approved treatment for AIDS.
An old-boy network of powerful medical researchers dominates in every disease field, from AIDS to Alzheimer's, Nussbaum reports. They control the major committees, they run the most important trials. They are accountable to no one. Despite the billions of taxpayers' dollars that go to them every year, there is no public oversight. Medical scientists have convinced society that only they can police themselves.
Business Week senior writer Bruce Nussbaum follows the money trial from the billions appropriated by Congress through a network of government laboratories and into the profit statements of Burroughs Wellcome. This is an inside look at how politics, science, and big business are bungling the fight against AIDS.
(The Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 1990)
They don’t stop because no one stops them.
The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.
William Colby
I was offered the hope of getting attention as a controlled opposition agent