Search for truth in Allan Kardec’s writing.

In my mid 20s, I started to realize that I had been misled about Napoleon by media. This led to me writing plays about Napoleon and I thought people would find it interesting also that they had been misled about Napoleon. There always seemed to be something guiding my work about Napoleon and I always felt and still continue to feel that hidden hand’s foot on the brake working to keep obscured this important knowledge.

My aunt in Brazil was into Spiritist Founder Allan Kardec and told me that I obviously had a past life experience with Napoleon. That was the first time such an idea ever occurred to me and yet it was so clearly a valid explanation of why I cared so much about this subject.
Then I mysteriously stumbled into an opportunity to study in Paris and for some reason I was at the Père Lachaise cemetery and all these pilgrims went by to leave offerings at Allan Kardec’s grave.

It was in Paris while I was spending so much time alone at Napoleon museums that I started to remember “then”. It was when I was standing by the dining table at Malmaison and I could almost hear Napoleon’s annoying sisters and I remembered how incredibly frustrating they were. So that perspective would’ve made me Hortense. Why was that not possible? Why was I even there at all? I went with it.

“His spirit still lives” is a quote from Louis Napoleon Bonaparte’s book, Napoleonic Ideas. Louis Napoleon is also known as Napoleon III. This quote about spirit refers to the spirit of Napoleon. Louis Napoleon was raised to venerate and vindicate Napoleon by his mother Hortense. She had 3 sons named Napoleon. Their names were Napoleon Charles, Napoleon Louis and Louis Napoleon.

“His spirit still lives” is a quote from Louis Napoleon Bonaparte’s book, Napoleonic Ideas. Louis Napoleon is also known as Napoleon III. This quote about spirit refers to the spirit of Napoleon. Louis Napoleon was raised to venerate and vindicate Napoleon by his mother Hortense. She had 3 sons named Napoleon. Their names were Napoleon Charles, Napoleon Louis and Louis Napoleon.

I recently told my aunt in Brazil about some of this because she was already receptive to the idea of spirits. She asked me to read Allan Kardec. It turns out that Allan Kardec visited Hortense’s son, Napoleon III on several occasions to talk about spirits.

An excerpt from Allan Kardec’s book which refers to his connection with Emperor Napoleon III.

An excerpt from Allan Kardec’s book which refers to his connection with Emperor Napoleon III.

It is interesting that Napoleon III opens his book Napoleonic Ideas by stating openly that Napoleon’s spirit “still lives”.

Now in the book excerpted below, The Spirit’s Book, we have Allan Kardec asking how can we really know if we are hearing someone like Napoleon?
During the late 90s, I emailed the author of Murder of Napoleon and told him, among other things, that the spirit of Napoleon was asking me to vindicate him. That author, Ben Weider, surprised me by responding that he had heard the very same thing from the very same source.

I was at Ben Weider’s celebration in Montreal where he was awarded the Legion of Honor.

I was at Ben Weider’s celebration in Montreal where he was awarded the Legion of Honor.

The following addresses how we can know if we are hearing who we think we are hearing. Basically a person, even in spirit form, still retains the same personality and energy. They are congruent.
Fakes are identified by their inability to maintain the congruence of their narrative and presentation.

I really would like to share more of my spiritual experiences because they are extremely interesting. What I’ve been shown over the past few years has been shocking and I’ve been trying to day by day to “prove” what I’m seeing. What I haven’t been able to “prove” has been the more interesting part.


A fact ascertained by observation, and confirmed by the spirits themselves, is the borrowing of well-known and venerated names by spirits of inferior degree How, then, can we be sure that those who say they were, for example, Socrates, Julius Cæsar, Charlemagne, Fénelon, Napoleon, Washington were really the men they claim to have been? This doubt exists among many fervent adherents of spiritist doctrine.

They admit the reality of the intervention and manıfestation of spirits, but they ask themselves what certainty we can have of their identity? This certainty is in fact, very difficult to obtain, but though it cannot be settled as authentically as by the attestation of a civil register, it may, at least, be established presumptively, according to certain indications. When the spirit who manifests himself is that of some one personally known to us, of a relatıve or friend, for instance and especially if of one who has been dead but a short time it is generally found that his language is perfectly in keeping with what we know of his character, thus furnishıng a strong presumption of his identity, which is placed almost beyond reach of doubt when the spirit speaks of private aftairs, and refers to family matters known only to the party to whom he addresses himself. A son could hardly be mistaken as to the language of his father and mother, nor parents as to that of their child. Most striking incidents often occur in evocations of this intimate kind-things of a nature to convince the most incredulous. The most sceptical are often astounded by the unexpected revelations thus made to them.

Congruence reveals truth. Since we’ve been persistently lied to, I feel holding up what we learn to a standard of congruence helps us finally learn what is actually true.

Congruence reveals truth. Since we’ve been persistently lied to, I feel holding up what we learn to a standard of congruence helps us finally learn what is actually true.