The town will be Sag Harbor.

I haven’t given art away since a team of thugs in Lincoln Town Cars ran an intimidation performance one weekend in front of my house, August, 2019. That was the first of many such performances to which I’ve been subjected. Who picked up the phone to fund and authorize these various shows? Can you guess accurately?
This project is about telling the truth whatever that may be. Some like that idea. Some do not. The project now involves everyone whether they realize it or not. The role someone is playing is who they are.
For how long can 1 small group run the world through terrorism? That is the question we are facing. Our foe is brainwashing and fear.

I was asked to play Van Helsing in the school play in 8th grade and it’s hilarious to me that I’m still playing the same role. That’s what Napoleon would call FATE.