An in-depth description about exactly how the internet is manipulated by monied interests.

Astroturfing is organized marketing trickery. It involves an army of publicists hiding behind computer screens. It involves the funding of trips for doctors and their wives or their mistresses so they will be seduced into pushing certain unnecessary and/or dangerous medical products.
Astroturfing involves paid publicists who participate in organized campaigns of framing the innocent. Those who actually care about the dissolution of even the pretense of decency in our “culture” are vilified for making their best attempts to fight for the dignity of humanity.

The link is here.

The link is here.

These publicists hiding behind computers do a lot of name calling and numbers manipulation. Instead of supporting the questioning of authority (there’s no money in that), these publicists attack those looking into corruption.

In the video available above, the massive manipulation of Wikipedia is addressed. Wikipedia is presented as being edited by “us”. Wikipedia is the ultimate fake populist movement.

Amazingly, despite their deceptive practices, Wikipedia aggressively tries guilting the public into sending them money.
The speaker in the video above cites how author Philip Roth wasn’t considered as a “credible source” on author Philip Roth’s own writing by personnel at Wikipedia. This video was actually taken down off of YouTube as I was recording it, which you can see at the end.
My livestream was also taken down around the same time and there were some nasty comments on it this time. Usually the “views” are around 1 and sometimes nice comments disappear like magic right before my own eyes.

I didn’t particularly like the book 1984 when they made me read it in high school, now I’m living in it. Was that programming? Oligarchs are blocking our progress as humans and I think our best move is to progress as fast and as efficiently as we can anyway and this is going to require learning. Please learn along with me. Higher consciousness is our best means of moving forward in spite of this opposition. This oppositional force can be used to make us stronger, mentally and spiritually. That’s our recourse and the silver lining that I can see. There is cause for genuine faith and hope and it is within each of us. Of this, I am certain. I truly believe one way or another I’m feathering my nest for a better world. Together, each of us doing our part with Divine guidance, we can do what NEEDS to be done.