Just that the Freemasons are segregated and they’re not called out about it proves the control they have over the media.

The truth about all this is shocking and it’s not what we are told at all. Why are secret society symbols on the US currency? That should say everything about what’s really going on.

The truth about all this is shocking and it’s not what we are told at all. Why are secret society symbols on the US currency? That should say everything about what’s really going on.

I’m tired of being framed. I’m tired of watching others get framed. Figure out where the name calling is really coming from. There’s is a reason why secret societies have taken a lot of heat in the past. Yet people today seem oblivious to the role they are playing. The lower level people in them I’m certain are dupes and I’m not talking about them. I know for a fact that they are being deceived.

I’m tired of being framed. I’m tired of watching others get framed. Figure out where the name calling is really coming from. There’s is a reason why secret societies have taken a lot of heat in the past. Yet people today seem oblivious to the role they are playing. The lower level people in them I’m certain are dupes and I’m not talking about them. I know for a fact that they are being deceived.

They want people to think it’s just old guys drinking at the lodge but it’s a lot more than that.

They want people to think it’s just old guys drinking at the lodge but it’s a lot more than that.