Lawyer Jeroen Pols from Viruswaarheid (Virus Truth) sued the Dutch Commission which recommended the injection. The Dutch Commission allegedly has a conflict of interest in this matter. They are obligated to take dangerous substances off the market and they refuse to do it.
Mr. Pols says that he has filed over 20 complaints. He is always told that they rely on their experts and that the state is allowed to rely on their experts.
This is like being told, “the car is safe but it has no brakes.”
Heroic Lawyer Jeroen Pols.
The link is here.
There are rules when it comes to vaccinations. There is a no harm principle. The benefits have to outweigh the risks. An injection has to be proven to be effective and safe. It also has to lead to group immunity. There needs to be an avoidance of unnecessary vaccinations because it costs a lot of public funds. The risk of the disease must justify the risk of the vaccinations. None of these requirements have been fulfilled.
It is uncontested that this injection is experimental and that we don’t know what will happen. We learned this from Pfizer Biontic. Pfizer said they don’t know if it’s safe and this was 3 months before it was “authorized”. If Pfizer themselves says they don’t know if it’s safe and effective, then why did the committee give authorization? Pfizer takes no liability because they have no idea if it’s safe.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich mentions leaked documents from injection manufacturers that were supposed to be kept secret. [The documents said] We don’t know if it works or if it’s safe. If there are alternative treatments you still have to buy it and if there are problems we won’t accept liability. Dr. Fuellmich says that’s what he heard from Mr. Vila, October of last year. He says this would be slapstick comedy if people weren’t dying because of it.
Mr. Pols says we are in a non juridical space. There’s no where to start to describe the illegality of this situation.
This is why he has published a 94 page document about this. There should be just 1 page though because if 1 criteria is not met, then that should be the end of that vaccine.
To authorize an emergency approval for an injection:
There must be a disaster.
The benefit must outweigh the risks.
There must be no effective alternative treatment.
All of these are not fulfilled. Regarding these injections, it is fully illegal and “we don’t even know where to start”, says Mr. Pols.
Dr. Fuellmich emphasizes how even if the courts have stopped applying the law that the public needs to understand this and that we are helping to inform the public and we are documenting who is doing what right now.
Mr. Pols wants the public to know that the government has no arguments, no defense: “They just come back with empty shells of words; ‘Infections’, morale’, it’s just a load of garbage that comes out of their mouths. I’ve never heard any arguments at all. We have to show the justice system has completely failed.”
Dr. Fuellmich says what is important is to show the public, “Look, this is your state of law. It’s a smoking heap of rubble.”
Mr. Pol says in Holland there are, “600 registered mortalities and thousands have experienced severe side effects and permanent damage. There is no balance whatsoever. This is a disaster all the way through. In the summon I said we are looking at crimes against humanity. According to article 7 of the International Act of Political Rights of the United Nations. It says that it is not allowed to do medical experiments on humans . . . This is illegal, amoral and unethical. Not even to mention the violation of children’s rights.”
Mr. Pols says it is important we send out the message and when the tide turns that all of these things are on the table. So we can clearly see what institutions were corrupt. So that a respective cleaning up can be done afterward.
Dr. Fuellmich emphasizes we must show that this legal system is no longer functional. We need to establish our own legitimate system. We have to replace this dysfunctional legal system because without any rules, framework or conditions, it is chaos. We have to have rules. We have to be able to enforce these rules. I’m afraid we will have to do that with our own legal system and our own international court of justice.
Dr. Pols says he has banged the documents on the table warning the judges who play outside the rules and facilitate the takeover of power that they will end up in court themselves in the end. “I say this very clearly to the judges.”
But they simply don’t look at it.
Dr. Fuellmich agrees that he has also seen this discomfort on the part of corrupt judges. “They hope secretly this illegal state is maintained to protect them. This won’t last.”
Mr. Pols discusses shocking conflicts of interest involving the HPV vaccine and the swine flu situation. He says it tends to be the same individuals playing similar roles in various suspicious state sponsored medical activity. He says that it is important to identify these individuals and that they need to be singled out and sued personally.
Mr. Pols says he has loads of ammunition and he wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.
Mr. Pols says a minister in government has resigned saying she has a heavy conscious. So there are cracks in their façade. Lawyer Viviane Fischer says that mayors and local officials are meeting to find out how to get rid of this situation.
The link is here.