Gor-Lak's Corner: The Plug For My Page

guest post by Gor-Lak, alien guide

As everyone knows, I am a publicist. What we do is sell things. People. Politicians. Big Pharma. Governments. PsyOps. Whatever. We have absolutely no shame. If you got the dough, we got the spin for whatever morally questionable thing it is you want the common herd to embrace.

That’s what I do for a living. It’s fun misleading the suckers. I’m good at it. In fact, I’m the only publicist who has ever been able to infiltrate the Tanster Project. How did I do that, you ask with a hint of jealousy?

Easy. I took her deal. So long as you only tell the Truth, you can post whatever you want. It was an open offer. Any person, and I’m using that term broadly enough to include publicists, could take it. I am the only one who has so far. Why? Because a publicist can’t tell the truth to save her life. It’s part of their contact with satan.

So how is it I can tell the truth if I am a publicists and publicists can’t tell the truth, you astutely ask?

Well that’s just one of the many benefits of being an undead lich.

Anyhow, this whole post is just to plug my page here on the Tanster Project, I mean it was right there in the title. That is the kind of fair warning you get here when you can only tell the truth.

Here’s the link -

Gor-Lak’s Corner