I hope I’ve been able to make my case on this matter. Their hatred against us truly is beyond what most of us can even fathom. They are the Nazis. They engage in hate speech. They are dangerous. They are the Antisemites. They are the racists. They are the selfish ones. They are the domestic insurgents. They are the terrorists. They are the bad citizens. They are the selfish ones. They are the ones who refuse to do anything to contribute to our community. They are the Fascists. They are the crazy ones. They are the conspiracy theorists. They are the Holocaust deniers. They are the ones who are so jealous. They are the right wing extremists. Every thing they make a practice of calling us is EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE. This is no coincidence.
This is their strategy.
Is it still working for them?
When they can no longer fool us, then we have won.
Now the Moon is in Aries. 10.20.2021.