This is the culmination of the powerful spiritual Moon. We got this!!! We have to know our power to exercise it! The people have the power.
The Full Moon in Pisces as shown by the SkyView app. This app helps me identify planets and constellations as they really are aligned in the night sky. I find that keeping track of where the planets are helps me understand what energies are very accessible at a given time. Right now the Sun is aligned with Mars and these “planets” are opposite the Full Moon. We have enormous power available to us right now. May we use it well.
The app doesn’t show the Sun but it is somewhat aligned with Mars. The brightest star in Virgo, Spica, is also aligned with the Sun and Mars. Spica aligned with the Sun and Mars seems to augur good fortune for our efforts to fight for ourselves. Also nearby we see the planet of communication, thinking and, aligned in Virgo particularly, service. The planet I’m describing is Mercury (Mercury rules the constellation Virgo) and it can be seen on the right of the image above. This is a great time to communicate and to make oneself understood in the interest of helping others. Use this energy well.
The luckiest “star” of all is, of course, Jupiter. It is presently between the constellations Aquarius (populism, genius, technology) and Capricorn (boundaries, perseverance, structures). The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn and this planet is also there validating the intensely material structural energy of Saturn. Jupiter is a very positive, honest and bountiful energy which can do a lot to brighten up and reform the heavy walls of Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn have been more or less aligned during this entire psychological warfare farce of an operation we have been enduring. Yes we have been walled in but we are blasting that bright Jupiterian energy right back at the enslavers (Saturn) and we will get our reformation (Jupiter) of institutions (Saturn). We have massive power (Sun and Mars and Moon) supporting us to get this done. Know that we have this power because we really do.