The truth will set you free.
Yes, it is a very big Ponzi scheme but it’s just a Ponzi scheme.
It is truly insane for the perpetrators to really believe they will eliminate the majority and then get their “devil’s heaven”. They are being fooled as well.
This took place in my own hamlet of Water Mill, NY. The truth is difficult to bear but we must face it NEW YORK. The killing continues because we are hosting and allowing it. They are not hiding these death rituals in any way whatsoever. WE are letting them do it and they are mocking us for allowing it. People who do anything for money have no future. Their money comes from financial scams and crime. They are not “philanthropist billionaires”. Their army of publicists and ACTORS needs to be dealt with. I ward them off by exposing them. You can do the same.
I have done my best to prove Lucifer - yes Lucifer! - runs the British Empire and that we are all subjects of his empire unless we REFUSE TO CONSENT.
I always have a lot of sympathy towards Mick Jagger for a particular reason but people need to listen to what these people are saying. They are not being that subtle.
At this point, anyone still fooled by this group WANTS to be fooled.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.
The truth will set you free.
My project is run by an invisible being so I know how powerful and influential they can be.
Any spy conducting surveillance on me knows exactly who runs this project and it terrifies them.
No one is above divine law.
I’m the long run, the sword will always be conquered by the Spirit.