It’s always time to not harden our hearts and to hear the voice of God.

The silver lining in the farce we are enduring is that for me, it drives me much further and more quickly into the spirit realm. Blessings to you all in your search for purity. No one can kill our souls as long as we keep them aligned with the Most High. Everything I do here is guided and I have a mission to fulfill and the Almighty will bring me back home when He so wills it. WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR. The main thing we have learned over and over since early 2020 is that fear is the threat and the danger. How many harmed themselves out of fear? Otherwise we have received an amazing education in what our enemy can and cannot do. Our enemy is terrified of getting caught for what he’s been doing to us for decades. In reality, it’s the Emperor’s new clothes and “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”. Please do not give them your power.

If they have to be strong bribing and blackmailing and threatening everywhere, then they will be exposed and neutralized and CAUGHT everywhere. Most puppets around the world are prominent people in their towns who until lately were perceived as half decent people. That’s changing fast. Chaos isn’t easy to control everywhere, all of the time. It’s not easy to trick the whole world at once and they have already largely failed in that regard. Once we learn their games, it becomes very difficult for them.

When they orchestrated the Reign of Terror, they ended up with Napoleon. Unfortunately, Napoleon played them wrong. They wanted war. They couldn’t be beat at war because it suits their interests and because they have all that gold and that gold really does buy a lot of sell outs.

I still think Napoleon took a fall and THAT STORY IS FAR FROM OVER.

The link is here.

The link is here.