More on how to spot a shill.

I found the comment below the image on a site that I honestly don’t trust, which still shares a lot of truth. The article was about infiltrators. Many commenters on that site, from what I’ve seen, are very savvy about PR tricks. To fight for honesty, we must also deeply understand spycraft. Their tactics mostly rely on their ability to fool us in some way. They also want to trick the public into seeing the genuine activists as infiltrators or phonies, or dangerous extremists.

Sometimes there are people I consider to be shills on this blog if there’s some information, I really want to share. Sometimes shills may still fool me.

How do I spot shills?

Here below are the questions I always ask myself about the potential sincerity of activists:

Am I looking at glossy professional PR work? I am a professional photographer and I know what professional photography looks like and costs. Professional photography is a big tip off for me.

Does the person look like someone in my family or do they look like a “celebrity”? In this context a “celebrity” is someone in a wig or a costume or something like that with a lot of plastic surgery, who has odd proportions and sounds all around fake.

Is the person’s story totally congruent? Do their emotions run completely congruent with every single thing they are saying? Does the mask ever slip?

Are they laying down guilt trips?

Are they pushing stories that it is illegal to discuss and investigate in multiple nations? Is every single thing about that person congruent with the story they are pushing that is illegal to discuss openly in multiple nations? Stories that are illegal to discuss or investigate are a tip off that some kind of deception is happening with that story for some mysterious reason. Just that the story teller is given a platform all over - mainstream and alternative - to discuss that story and we are threatened in multiple ways should we ever dare to even investigate that story’s veracity SPEAKS VOLUMES. There has to be an agenda at work. Probably multiple agendas and the reasons behind it may be very surprising. We’re dealing with lies inside of lies probably inside of even more lies. Whenever shills are warding people away from stories or trying to own the stories and doing tons of damage control around them - that’s what they’re hiding. The truth that they’re terrified the public will learn is somewhere in there. The truth the public needs to learn is that we are being lied to deeply and in multiple ways to an extent that it is dehumanizing to us. That we pay taxes to those warring on us in this way is what they don’t want us to know. The truth is beyond outrageous. They want us arguing over stupid untrue things rather than having us looking at the crimes that they are perpetuating against us constantly.

Is the suspected shill “friends” with other very obvious shills? Are the “friends” all enamored with Trump? Do all the “friends” still push that there really was some kind of killer unusually lethal isolated virus going around early 2020? How come they all feel this way even though no one could isolate this horribly unusual ever present virus?

Did the person come out of nowhere only to find quick approval all around the controlled opposition “alternative” media? This can also apply to someone genuine who it is planned to later frame as “controlled opposition” to an increasingly savvy internet readership.

Do they seem to have a well connected PR team working behind them even though they are professing to just be “a whistleblower”?

Do they have very high “numbers” and tons of adoring fake looking comments?


Do they advance our knowledge of what we are up against with proof? Are they really fighting or are they just wasting our time and running us around in circles? With an agent, there is usually something I want (the truth) with some thing I don’t want (cursing, drugs, appeals to violence, divisive agendas, narcissism, inaccurate history, fear, uncertainty, doubt, or Trump shilling).

I do my best to keep shills off the blog but hopefully this list will make them easier to spot.

Jessica Galligani in response to Caroline Cary Davidson a day ago

And more (below) from the "report," the motive here is quite clear, the report is inaccurate! The woman who created this report did NOT investigate, because if she did, she would have come away from that investigation with a different outlook. I know with 200% certainty that the CVV group is being run from the heart space of a very good friend of mine with a ton of empathy for these families. She is doing this on the side, while she also works full time, volunteering ALL of her free time to shed light on the corruption while honoring the victims lives.

"We need to be careful that we don’t provide legitimacy to known operatives. Some activists may say “no harm done,” but likely the operative is simply being on good behavior. Over time, however, once trust is publicly established, the messaging and actions could subtly begin to shift in ways that are designed to not support the health freedom movement. This is how “controlled oppositions” typically work. The term “limited hangout” is important to understand.

If we do not identify infiltrator “brands” in the movement, our authentic health freedom voice could become ever more diminished as the collective controlled opposition messaging aims to crowd us out. Given the many historical examples, a modicum of education on COINTELPRO might be instructive.

One of the infiltrators’ planned outcomes is to leave activists dispirited. Do not lose heart! Learn the tactics and how to divert them while remaining focused on our movement’s shared goals of freedom and peace for humanity. Use challenging situations as opportunities to explore your need for authority and guidance from without. Are you dependent on organizations to guide your work? Or are you your own trusted leader?

When we collaborate with other trusted, longstanding organizers in our communities, make safe spaces, and encourage a culture that remains focused on the movement’s goals, we will prevail!