A New Corona Committee Meeting: LAPD Officers fight for upholding the law.

The meeting opens with an evangelical German pastor Jakob Tscharntke who has been suspicious of the “official narrative” openly since 2015. He says that he believes behind the puppets that we see there are many layers of hierarchy and that there is a supernatural level to what they are doing to us. He says that the rulers are attacking the people everywhere and that he believes we are in Biblical End Times and that we can find comfort in a genuine relationship with Jesus.

The link is here.

Activists Gerd Kauschat and Sabine Fischer join the conversation and speak from the perspective of leftists who have found their movement, the Free Left, hijacked by monied interests. They describe how the peaceful goals and defense of worker’s rights ideals have been rendered bankrupt by sell outs.

Analyst Reiner Held returns to the Committee to discuss the rampant falsification of health data. The data indicates that the injections constantly forced on the public all over the world are clearly destroying health and killing en masse adults and children. Since politicians keep pushing dangerous injections, we are forced to conclude that mass death is their intention and the will of those who sponsor their careers.

The link is here.

The link is here.

A former military officer Johann Gaiswinkler of Austrian armed forces speaks out. He says he is also a mountain guide and that being in nature has helped him develop his instincts. He questioned the Corona narrative and measures in media. He was framed as a dangerous extremist and he had to leave his career. He simply stated that the suspension of human rights was leading no where good.

He warns that the monolopoly of power is now privatized and also states “If you want to control everything then you can’t control anything.”

The link is here.

The link is here.

On the topic of violence breaking out, Dr. Fuellmich once again states that this is the goal of the “other side”. They want violence as a pretext to escalate the martial control atmosphere.

We also hear the account of a former deputy council of police Nandra Schilirò who is a lawyer in Italy who spoke at a rally attended by 100,000. She says that she is being disciplined for standing up for the rule of law. She says that illegal police violence on the contrary is being encouraged. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich cites the example of Portuguese judge Rui Fonseca e Castro who also stood up for the rule of law in the face of clearly encouraged police brutality.

The link is here.

The link is here.

LAPD officer Michael McMahon who is associated with Role Call For Freedom and an officer named Vanessa Saucedo join the conference from Los Angeles. Officer McMahon says that he is under heavy coercion to take a dangerous experimental injection and that he is going to fight this. Officer McMahon laments that the pharmaceutical companies are aligned with media and propaganda is being used to trick a population who stills trusts what they see on television.

The link is here.

The link is here.

Officers are caving to pressure without understanding the risks associated with these experimental injections. The officers who are standing up for informed consent are being framed as insurrectionists.
Dr. Fuellmich hopes that people will start to realize that framing is happening all over the world to anyone standing up for their rights.

Officer McMahon says that it is the job of police to uphold the law. He says that we need to keep fighting.

Dr. Fuellmich shares that his father was a police officer who actually cared about the law and this is part of why he became a lawyer.

Officer McMahon reminds us that we are conditioned to view exercising our freedom as “selfishness”.

This is about Freedom and fighting the good fight.

Topic excerpt: Situational analysis from a biblical perspectiveThe Free Left: Corona and Wealth Distribution  Statistics on myocarditis/ pericarditis Policemen and women in resistance from around the world The rift in society and risk of civil war from a military strategy perspective Vaccine victims speak out: We must no longer accept being silenced!

Topic excerpt: Situational analysis from a biblical perspective

The Free Left: Corona and Wealth Distribution
Statistics on myocarditis/ pericarditis

Policemen and women in resistance from around the world

The rift in society and risk of civil war from a military strategy perspective

Vaccine victims speak out: We must no longer accept being silenced!